29 - Did you miss me

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"Did you miss me?!"

I laugh out loud when I see the beautiful girl standing in front of me looking absolutely gobsmacked. She doesn't respond immediately, so I decide to answer my question for her. "Of course you did."

I open my arms, and when I take a step forward to hug her, she finally gets her voice back. "I hadn't expected you here until tomorrow evening!"

"I know. I wanted to surprise you, so I may have lied a little to keep you in the dark about my exact arrival. Forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you, dummy. Come here, I can't believe you're actually here!" She squeals and we hug for nearly five minutes straight. Somehow hugging her makes me realize I'm finally home.

I've missed her so much. She's been the closest thing to a sister I've had ever since Alli died. Not that anyone could ever replace her, of course. There will always be a piece of me that's just...gone. But Leila was there when I needed her. She just magically appeared on one of my darkest days. I like to think Alli sent her to me. It's stupid, I know, but it's a nice thought.

I often imagine what it would be like for Leila and Alli to hang out. I'm pretty sure they would have loved each other. The thought makes me feel warm inside and makes me realize just how lucky I am to have had both of them in my life. Somehow both the same, yet so very different.

I pull out of our hug and take another good look at my best friend. "I've missed you so much!" I repeat, and she starts laughing.

"Not half as much as I have missed you. While you were on the road with the hottest guy on the planet, I was stuck here."

"In awful New York where there is nothing to do. Poor you." I grin, and she just rolls her eyes at me. I know for a fact Leila has a lot of friends and she has plenty of things to do. She just likes to act dramatic.

It only made me love her more.

"Besides, he's not that hot." I lie and she just shakes her head at me, silently telling me she doesn't believe a single word of what I just said.

Damn, she can still see right through me.

But I don't want to talk about Hunter and all the things that happened between us. Not tonight at least. Tonight, I just want to catch up with my best friend. We can talk about Hunter and my embarrassing moment in the hotel closet later.

"Tomorrow?" I ask. She raises an eyebrow but nods after a couple of seconds, understanding what I'm asking her without many words. "Come in, silly. What are you still standing there in the hallway?"

I enter her apartment, dragging my suitcase behind me. "Haven't you been to your apartment yet?" Leila questions when she eyes my big bag. "No. I stepped off the plane and took a cab here," I answer truthfully. Hunter looked kinda bummed when I told him I wasn't going to be joining him in his room later tonight but I'm sure he'll survive.

"I also wanted to ask you a favor..."

"Back in town for five minutes and you're already asking me for favors?" Leila grins and I just roll my eyes. "Can I crash here tonight? I've had enough of hotel rooms for a minute and I don't want to be alone my first night back..."

"Do you even have to ask? You know you're always welcome here. Isn't the hot superstar going to miss you though?"

"I'm sure he will be fine. Hey, I'm starving. Did you have dinner yet?"

"No. I was about to order something right before you arrived. Chinese food sound good?"

"Perfect! You can just order my usual, while I go use your bathroom. I didn't lie when I said I got off that plane and stepped right into a cab and I need to pee really bad!"

I can already hear her talking on the phone when I close the bathroom door behind me. I can't help to check my phone and smile when I see I've got a text message from Hunter.

From: Hunter, 07.17
I miss you. Already. What have you done to me? I used to be a cool guy, now look at me. Are you sure I can't convince you to come back to the hotel? Promise I'll make it worth your while ;-) ;-) ;-)

Reading his text makes my stomach flutter. I miss him too, and as tempting as going back to him may sound, I'm not going to leave Leila here. Guess we'll just have to miss each other some more.

To: Hunter, 07.32
I've been promised some really good Chinese food so no. You're good, but not THAT good :-D

Before I get the chance to put my phone away, it buzzes again.

From: Hunter, 07.33
Remind me to prove you wrong tomorrow.

I shake my head, a giant smile plastered on my face. I'm not going to respond to that text, or this could turn into another type of conversation really fast.

I check myself in the big round mirror before going back into the living room. I'm happy to see that the ridiculous bump on my forehead is almost gone. That's about the only positive thing I can say at the moment. I look horrible. On the other hand, who doesn't after a flight cross country?

You know who...

Ah, yes. The girl who clearly hates me now, judging by the look in her eyes yesterday.
Hunter told me not to worry about it, but I had a bad feeling about this whole situation. Things like that happening were the very reason I wanted things to stay professional in the first place.

"Hey! Are you remodeling the bathroom or something?" Leila shouts. 

I shake my head, forgetting she can't actually see me. I answer her while making my way back to the living room. "Sorry, got caught up in my own thoughts for a second." 

"That's okay," she smiles and pads the spot next to her on the couch. I can see her holding two glasses of wine and I already know how this evening will end. 

"I know you asked to wait until tomorrow to tell me about all of your adventures, but I'm really curious, babe. What happened? You're different, a little more laid back. I can tell just from looking at you. Please don't shut me out." 

It was never my intention of shutting her out, I just didn't want this evening to revolve around me. 

I sigh, a small smile creeping on my lips.

"I think I'm really falling for Hunter."

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