21 - Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

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A ray of light peeking through the navy blue curtains hits my face, and I scrunch my nose. It can't be morning yet. I could swear I only fell asleep an hour ago.

I groan and roll over on my stomach. I grab the pillow lying next to me and put it over my head. There, that should keep the light out of my eyes.
I'm sure Hunter won't mind that I took his pillow.

Wait. Hunter.


I pad the spot next to me, feeling nothing but the cold mattress.

When I look up, I find that I really am the only one laying in the queen-size bed.
Okay, so maybe he's in the bathroom?

I push myself up on my elbows and stretch my neck, easily looking inside of the bathroom without having to leave the bed.

Nope, no Hunter.

I fall back on the mattress, my head hitting the soft pillows. 

Well... I knew this could happen. I just hadn't expected it actually would. Last night was nothing less than amazing for me and I kind of had the feeling he felt the same way about it.

Guess I was wrong. 


I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved with him.
Every single one of my brain cells had screamed to keep my distance. Not only because I'm his assistant, but he's also one of the biggest womanizers walking this planet. He changes girls like a normal person changes underwear. 

I knew very well it was heartbreak waiting to happen.
But when it came to him, one touch seemed to be enough to let all my common sense fly out of the window.

I should just avoid him touching me again in the future and I will be fine. 

Absolutely fine. 

Who am I kidding? I'm screwed!
I just lost my dignity and I'm pretty sure it won't take long now until I also lose my job.
Stupid hormones. Why couldn't I just keep it in my pants?
I hit my head on the pillows. "Stupid. Stupid.Stupid." 

"What the hell are you doing?" 

Uh-oh. I was supposed to be alone here, wasn't I?
When I look up I see Hunter closing the door behind him. He's wearing his clothes from last night, and added my Ray-Bans and baby yellow beanie to the mix. No other living person on earth would get away with that look, but somehow he manages to pull it of. 

Boy's got style.

He must have come back in while I was busy wallowing in self-pity. 

"Oh, hi there Hunter. Didn't hear you come in." I say while straightening my hair with my hands. I try to sound as casual as I possibly can, but who am I kidding. We all know I must have looked like a complete dork. 

"I figured as much, yes." His amused face turns into a frown. "Wait a minute...you thought I ditched you here, didn't you?"

"Can you blame me with your history with women?"

"No...I mean yes! I thought I made myself clear about you? I don't want this to be a one time thing." He puts the tray he was holding on the night stand next to me and joins me on the bed. 

He leans in to kiss me, but I pull away. 
"Morning breath!" I exclaim while putting my hand in front of my mouth. He laughs, and before I can stop myself my fingers wander his dimpled cheeks.  

"I didn't want to scare you, Mills. I just wanted to do something nice for you once. I'd thought you'd still be asleep by the time I got back. I had it all planned out, letting my inner Millie take over. " 

"It's okay." I say, before remembering he didn't come back empty handed. He sees me staring at the tray and starts explaining when he sees the puzzled look on my face. "I didn't know what you like in the coffee department since you're the one who usually gets me coffee, so I asked the barista to give me the most popular types of coffee." He gives me a very proud smile, like he just achieved something really big.

"Okay so here goes...I've got you an Americano," he says while pointing towards the cup on the top left of the tray. "This one should be a cappuccino. I've also gotten a latte. That's the one right here. Uuhm... not sure what this one is anymore but the one next to it is a flat white and then I also got you a hot chocolate. Oh, and I also got you a chocolate muffin. Thought you could use the sugar after last night." I smack his shoulder and grab the muffin and Americano from his tray. 

I can't believe he actually went out and got me breakfast. 

"Did anyone recognize you?" 

He shrugs. "I guess the barista did, but he was cool about it."

"I told you, not everyone swoons at the sight of you..." I playfully roll my eyes, while grinning at him. 

"I happen to know for a fact that you are one of the people who does swoon at the sight of me. You maybe didn't at first, but I'm pretty sure you do after last night." He wiggles his eyebrows and I smack his arm. 

Worst part is he's right.

I have a lot of questions though, like what about Kimmy? I still don't know what's really going on between her and Hunter. The night we kissed, he told me she never even was his girlfriend to begin with but I'm not totally sure she had gotten the memo.

I decide to save all of those questions for later. Let's start with a different one.
"So where do we go from here?" I ask while nibbling my chocolate muffin. 

"First I'm going to continue where we left off last night and then I would love to take you out for lunch."

"We can't. We only have two hours before we need to be at the airport and we can't be late." I may have thrown a lot of my principles overboard by now, but I'm clinging to the ones I have left. 

"Fine, I guess we only have time for the first part then..."

I never thought the following thought would ever ever EVER cross my mind... but who needs food anyway?

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