11 - Something stupid

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"How have I survived my whole life without tasting this pasta..." I wonder aloud. "Have you been here before?" I ask Hunter, while putting another spoonfull in my mouth.

He shakes his head in response, while chewing on a piece of pizza. "If I had known the food was this good, I would have though." He smiles his famous smile. I guess I can see why everyone keeps fangirling over his dimples. I guess you could say they are kinda cute. Purely subjectively offcourse. 

"So, am I going to meet this Leila girl you have been talking about all afternoon?" Hunters asks, genuinely interested.

"Well...I got her a backstage pass for the New York shows so yes, I think you will."

"Good. I can't wait to ask her about your most embarrassing moments," he grins and continues "It's not fair you already got to read mine in all the magazines."

"You saw enough of embarrassing moments of me yesterday to last a lifetime." I give him a small smile, pushing back the memories.

"For the last time Mills, you have nothing to be embarrassed about..." He sighs, shaking his head while adjusting his baseball cap. I immediately regret bringing it up. Why did it bother him so much?

"For the record... I didn't read that much about you in magazines. I wasn't into your little group, remember?" I add, teasing him in an attempt to lighten his mood.


"And why is that?" I ask in amusement.

"You're just...different..."

"I'm not that different. Not everyone swoons at the sight of you, you know that right?" I roll my eyes but can't help smile. I know for a fact that almost everyone he meets does. I've watched it happen so many times by now. He knows I know it, and he has the smuggest look on his face.

If it were any other day, I would tell him to wipe that look of his face and bust his ass for something he did or didn't do. It's how we roll most of the time.

But not tonight.

Tonight, we're just two normal people having a great time while getting to know each other.


"I really enjoyed being 'Just Hunter' with you today... it's been a long time since I had this much fun on a day off." He smiles while saying the words, and I actually believe him. He told me over dinner that he often just stayed in his room the last couple of years in the band when he had a day off. Saying he had seen most of it by now.

I can't imagine ever saying that. I've lived near or in New York my entire life and I still discover new places there every day. I would never get tired of roaming the streets of that city. Of any city for that matter. But then again...I didn't need to go out wearing a beanie, sunglasses and who knows what else to stay undercover while doing so. I had the luxury to step out of my apartment without ever thinking about hiding from hoards of fans or paparazzi. Something I took for granted but clearly wasn't for some people, for Hunter.

"Thank you for today Mills." His emerald eyes meet mine while he puts his hands on my shoulders.

We were standing in front of my hotel room by now. Getting ready to say goodbye after a wonderfull day. 

The day didn't happen as planned - I did not see all fifteen things I had planned to  see in the city- but it hadn't bothered me for a second. Hunter did offer me to go see all of them with me, but we ended up having too much fun on the first few stops there just wasn't enough time left to work through the entire list. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did too for the record. Who knew hanging out with your boss could be fun, heh?" I wink at him, while trying to find the key to my room in my handbag.

When I finally find it between all the other stuff in my bag - mental note: organize handbag - an unexpected sad feeling overwhelms me when I realize that today really has ended. Today had been perfect, and I actually enjoyed Hunter's company. More than I had wanted to, if I was being honest with myself.

But all great things must come to an end, and tomorrow we would be back in the real world. He's going back to be the megastar everyone knows and I was going back to being his ever professional PA. Annoying him with my constant reminders of strict time schedules and appointments and him repaying me the favor by not ever doing what I ask.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asks, noticing the frown on my face.

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking that I really need to reorganize my bag. Found it though." I say, while waving my key-card in his face.
There's no way I'm going to tell him what I was actually thinking.

I turn to open my room when I suddenly feel his arms around me, hugging me from behind.
I can smell his typical eucalyptus scent, mixed with the smell of his perfume.

"See you tomorrow Mills." I can practically hear him smile while saying that, being his playful self.

I turn to face him again, pressing my back against the door, trying to create some more distance between us.

We stand there gazing at each other for seconds, minutes, hours? I honestly can't tell.  His face is slowly turning serious and I can't ignore the weird tension building between us.
He takes a step closer, leaning over me and letting his hands rest on the door behind me, trapping me between him and the door without ever breaking his gaze.

"Are you drunk?" I whisper.

"No, why?" I can feel his hot breath on my lips as he moves closer.

"Because I think you're about to do something stupid."

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