8 - Your mess to clean

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When I wake up the next morning my head hurts like hell. Well...that settles it, I'm never drinking again.

It takes me a few seconds before the previous night comes back to me.

The dancing.
The drinking.
The unwanted kiss.
Hunter saving me.

God, I feel so embarrassed. I never wanted for my boss to see me like that, let alone one of the world's biggest - some might even say hottest (not me) -  music stars. The fact that he is both those things makes it even worse.

I slump back in my pillows and sigh. Great way to start my perfectly planned day. According to the schedule I had planned for today, I should have already gotten my breakfast.

If I skip breakfast, I can still make it in town on time...
I decide to pull out my phone to check the weather report before deciding on what I'm going to wear.

Shit, 5 new messages. Most of them are from Paul. I totally forgot about texting him. When I got to my room yesterday night I felt so drained and just dove straight into bed.

From Paul, 01:16
Millie, got our drinks, where are u?

From Paul, 01:23
Not funny Millie.

From Paul, 01:31
I drank yours. Just saying.

From Paul, 02:07
Fuck Millie. I heard what happened. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone.

From Hunter, 02:45:
Sorry I didn't get there sooner.

I text Paul to let him know I'm OK and that he doesn't need to worry about it. It isn't his fault this creep was around. And what's with Hunter's text? Why should he feel sorry. He saved me from something much worse. I don't want to think about what could have happened if he hadn't shown up when he did.

I should let him know how grateful I am. Should I text him? His suite is only one floor up, so maybe I just need to go over and tell him in person. It's not that I can still stick to that stupid schedule I spent more than an hour on making.

But by the smell of it, I desperately need a shower first...

The moment I step under the hot streaming water I start to feel better...Or the Advil I took just started working, that's also a possibility.

I put on a pair of faded blue jeans, a black top and my glittery black Keds. I'll come back to my room after going to Hunter's to do my hair and make-up before stepping out.

The thought of running into yesterday's creep in the streets of Denver briefly flashes through my mind but I block the thought as quickly as it surfaced.

Knocking on Hunter's door makes me nervous all of a sudden and I wonder if I shouldn't just turn around and text him. Maybe he didn't even hear me knock...

Just when I want to turn around to head back to my room, I hear someone fumbling with the locks on the other side of the door.

When it finally opens, I'm not sure what I'm seeing. It isn't Hunter. It isn't Kimmy. It's a barely dressed blonde girl that looks vaguely familiar.

Am I at the wrong room? I quickly glance towards the name tag hanging besides the door. 'Premier Suite' Yep, that's the right room alright. I've booked it myself.

"Yes?" the blonde asks, clearly annoyed with me just standing there like a complete idiot.

"I'm sorry...I'm just gonna go" I stammer, pointing my thumbs behind me. I'm not sure why I'm this surprised really. This is Hunter we're talking about. I've read the magazines. The guy practically slept with a different girl every night since he was 19. I just hadn't thought he would keep it up while dating Kimmy.

When I give the girl a second look before I turn around, I notice the wrist band she's wearing.
That's why she looks familiar. She's one of the girls we spotted in the club last night.

I'm almost at the elevator when I hear Hunter calling me. "Millie wait, I'm sorry...I...this isn't...well...never mind actually."

I smile at him, but it takes more of an effort than I had expected it to.

"You don't have to explain anything to me." I shrug. He doesn't. But somehow I don't really seem to believe the words myself as I'm saying them.
"Look, I just wanted to apologise and let you know that I'm fine and that I'm really grateful that you showed up when you did. I just hope we can leave last night behind us and forget it ever happened. It was kind of embarrassing..."

"Embarrassing?" he asks. "Why would you be embarrassed? You couldn't know he would follow you outside after you turned him down..."

Wait. He knew he followed me? Is that why he showed up at the exact right time? I had just assumed it was a coincidence...

"How did you know he was bothering me before?"

"Because I saw you..." He answers me and looks at me like I just asked one of the stupidest questions ever.

"Do you have plans for today?" He asks, changing the subject.

"Nothing much, I wanted to go into town and do some sightseeing...why?"

He nods slowly, thinking.
"Can I come with you? Just as Hunter? Not as your boss or Hunter Rivers the pop star, but as your friend Hunter?"

My friend? Since when did he consider me as his friend? Hanging out with Hunter wasn't exactly what I had planned, but it was the least I could do after yesterday. Right?

When a door slams further down he hallway, Hunter cringes and instinctively puts his hands on his temples. His hangover must be even worse than mine is. I toss him an Advil.

I know how you feel buddy...

"Sure, I'll try to be just Millie then... Not Millie the PA."

He grinns. "Deal. I'd love to meet just Millie..." He turns around and walks back to his room.

"Millie?" He asks.
"You don't happen to know how to get rid of her now, do you?" he asks, pointing to his room.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Nope, that's your mess to clean."

Flashing LightsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon