28 - You

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My current location? The closet. 


Not just any closet. Hunter's closet. 
Good thing a superstar's closet can't be compared to a normal one. To give you an idea; this closet is bigger than the average apartment in New York City. 

How I ended up here? 

You know how I didn't want to date Hunter, because I wanted to keep everything very professional? Yeah? Well, then you also know I failed miserably at that by now.

After last night's date, we ended up in his room and we got a little carried away with...things and I stayed the night. 

Sex. you got carried away with sex. Jesus, Millie. You're a grown-ass woman, act like it. 

We woke up when someone frantically started knocking on his door and I did what every sensible girl would do: I hid in the closet. Being found half-naked in his bed was not the way I planned on outing 'us'.

And now here I am. Hunter mumbled something about me being crazy when he saw me sprinting towards the closet, but I didn't care. I wasn't afraid anymore to let Hunter know how I felt about him, I just wasn't ready to share it with anyone else yet. 


When I hear the person at the door talking, the hairs on the back of my neck immediately stand up.  "Hunter, baby. I've missed you. Where were you yesterday? I've tried calling you and I even made the effort to stop by your room, but you weren't here..." I can see her pouting through the wooden louvered closet doors. 

"I was out, Kimmy." He answers and walks towards his bedside table, grabbing the bottle of water on it. He swiftly opens it and brings the bottle to his lips. 

"I would have loved to accompany you." She flicks her long, perfectly styled hair and makes her way over to him. As much as I would love to say otherwise, Kimmy really is one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. The green jade dress she's wearing fits perfectly with her strawberry blonde hair.

Hunter raises his eyebrows. "You remember that this," he says while gesturing between them, "was all for publicity, right?" 

"That's how it started, but I don't think those times in your dressing room were for publicity...Or those nights in my hotel room, for the matter." She winks at him and I can see her fumbling with the collar of his white shirt - which he hadn't bothered to button, of course. Damn it. 

"Alright, Kimmy. I get it, we had sex a couple of times." He sighs, very well aware of the fact that I am listening to their conversation. 

"A lot. Don't pretend you didn't like it. You practically came begging for more after that first time." 

Hunter just throws his hands in the air, glancing at the closet door. Poor guy. I sure wouldn't want to be him right now. His ex, or something similar to it, in his bedroom while the girl he's dating is hiding in his closet, hearing every word both of them are saying. 

"Come on baby, we both know this wasn't all an act." She seductively whispers while leaning closer to him.  I hold my breath when she lays her hand on his cheek, but Hunter just casually swats it away.

Oh wow, there are so many places I'd rather be right now. You know, like a nice hot boiling lava-bath, a room full of spiders, getting waterboarded at Alcatraz, ... 
You get the picture, anywhere but here would be just fine. I'm not picky, trust me. 

"It was fun while it lasted, Kimmy. But it's time we start being honest with ourselves here. This would never work. You know it and I know it."

"I'm not so sure about that," she adds and throws herself on the bed.  If she only knew the things we did in that very same bed last night. 

"I am." He firmly answers, while turning his head towards the closet.  "If she knew I was telling you this, she would probably kill me but I'm dating someone. It's still very new, but I can see it going somewhere. She's not like any of the other girls I've ever met. It's like she gets me. Really gets me. She sees right past the whole pop star thing. She sees me." He's still looking at the closet, smiling his sweetest smile, and I just want to push open these wooden doors and run straight into his arms. "Something you were never able to do, by the way." 

"Who is she? Some of your bimbo groupies? Does she look like this?" She questions while letting her hands glide over her body. 

Newsflash, Kimmy: nobody looks like that. 

"No offense, but she looks so much better," he smirks and I can't help but smile like a monkey with a new banana. I can't believe the things he does to me when he says things like that. 

"She doesn't need to know, Hunter. Come on, what do you say? One last time, for old times sake?"

"I won't screw this up, Kimmy. Not with her." He firmly answers, while shaking his head. 

She just grunts and lets her body fall back onto the soft mattress. She doesn't say a word and just stares at the ceiling for a couple of seconds, probably plotting on her next move to make him change his mind. Her hands are roaming the sheets and when I see her padding the same spot a couple of times, I slightly start to panick. My bra is still somewhere in that bed. When I heard that knock on the door, I just grabbed one of Hunter's T-shirts and fled straight into that walk-in. 

Please don't let it be my bra, please don't let it be my bra.

"Is this hers?" She questions while holding up a black, lace bra. 


"What do you think? It sure isn't mine..."

"She has a good taste in lingerie, I'll give her that. I guess you upgraded in the boob-size department..." She says while looking down at her chest. She holds the bra in front of her boobs, thoroughly investigating the difference. 

Can we please not discuss the size of my boobs? This is awkward enough as it is.

Kimmy suddenly sits back up with a jolt, as if she suddenly realizes something. "She's still here, isn't she?"

"No. She left." 

"She didn't, I can tell you're lying. Where is she?"

"Not here." He lies again while looking straight at the closet, and I wonder if he actually wants her to find me. Being subtle isn't his strong suit, that's for sure. I hear some shuffling around but can't see them anymore. Spying on them through the small slats of the wooden door sure has its disadvantages. 

Where did they go? What are they doing? 
I'm leaning closer to the doors, hoping to get a visual on them again, when suddenly the doors are yanked open. 

"You?" Kimmy shrieks with a disgusted expression. I look at Hunter for help, but he's just standing behind her with an amused smile on his face. 

Found them! 

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