5 - Real life fairy tale

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As expected, the reviews for the opening show were great. Hunter is terrible at time schedules and doing as I ask, but he's amazing at performing. The following night after night he gave his all and I respected him a little bit more after every performance. I even decided to cut him some slack when he showed up 10 minutes late for his latest soundcheck. 

See, I can be chill. 

Days flew by and near the end of the second week of touring, the whole crew was getting tired. I know...Hunter was the one on stage, in magazines, on every radio station but most of us were with him the entire time.  And if I'm being honest, I enjoyed every last second of it. I was well aware that thousands of people wanted to trade places with me just like Leila had said. I took it all in. Every second of every day. 

That didn't change the fact that I was tired though. Sooo very tired. Our day off tomorrow couldn't come at a better time. 

When Hunter got on stage later that evening, I went to find Karen in make-up. It started to become a routine. I liked hanging out with her after a busy day. She had this calm around her that rubbed off on me every time I was in her presence. 

When I entered the mirror filled room, she was in the middle of packing her supplies, a warm smile immediately appearing on her face when she saw me standing in the doorway. 

"Come in, love" she says, while gesturing to a chair. 

"This day off didn't come a moment too soon. I'm so tired." I complain while looking at her while lowering my body in one of the comfortable white leather chairs.

"How are you still looking this good after all these tiring days?" I wonder aloud, while looking at her face and try to suppress a yawn.  

She gestures towards the make-up. 
"I'm a make-up artist sweetie, remember?"

"Right. See, my brain is already turning into mush." 

She chuckles. "So I guess you will spend your day in bed then tomorrow?", she asks while putting away her make-up brushes she cleaned just moments before.

"Mmm sounds tempting... But I would hate to leave this place without doing some sightseeing. Are you planning to go explore the city tomorrow?" I ask while handing Karen the last make-up brush that's laying in front of me on the make-up table.

She shakes her head, and puts the brush in her make up case. "I'm staying in my room and plan to order some room service, take a long hot bath, and Skype with my husband, children and grandchildren."

"What? You have grandchildren?" I ask in total surprise, which makes her laugh out loud. 

"Remember Millie, I'm a make-up artist. A rather good one for that matter. But yes, I was young when I had my oldest son. Barely 17."

I can see the memories coming back to her when she speaks, a smile forming on her face.
"It was hard sometimes but I would do it all again."

"Don't you miss them on tour?"

"I do. All the time. But I really wanted to be here for Hunter. He's like a son to me after all these years. I'm so proud of him."

I can't help but smile thinking about their bond. Every time she mentions Hunter you can hear the warmth in her voice and a sparkle in her eyes. She really cares for him.

"You mentioned your husband, is he..."

"You want to know if he's the guy that got me pregnant at 17?" she asks, finishing my sentence.

I can't help but blush, I didn't want to pry.

Karen smiles at me, reassuringly, like she can read my thoughts.

"Believe it or not but he is the same guy, yes."

"That sounds like a real-life fairy tale", I say while spinning in her make-up chair. My inner twelve-year-old couldn't be happier. 

She laughs, "Sometimes it really was, other times not so much...but that's life, Millie. It's not all puppies and sunshine."

She pauses for a couple of seconds, continuing to pack her supplies.

"What about you Millie, do you have someone special in your life?"

"You mean if I have a boyfriend? No, I don't have time for that at the moment. I need to focus on my career right now. All of this..." I gesture around the room, "needs my undivided attention. I don't want any distractions."

Karen cocks her head, "Being ambitious is good Millie, I just hope you won't get lost in it. Trust me when I say that life is nothing without love in it."

"I know, but I'm only 26. I still have time for love later."

She shakes her head, "If you say so. I just hope you'll recognize something good when it's right in front of you."

"I will," I say. 

Hoping that I actually would. 

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