23 - What kind of wig

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"Wake up sleepy head."
I can hear the deep and familiar voice in the distance, but I'm still too sleep induced to response.

"Mills, wake up. We're going to be late."

My eyes immediately snap open and I see Hunter, who is kneeling besides my seat, grinning at me.
"See, I just knew that would wake you up." He says, before planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

I try to push him off of me, but he stops me. "Relax, we're alone. "

It takes me a few seconds to realize we're still on the plane. I prop myself up on my elbows and look around. "Where is everyone?"

"Probably on their way to the hotel by now."

"And why are we still here?"

"I didn't want to wake you... you didn't get that much sleep last night." He says while getting up, stretching his arms behind his back. "Did anyone ever tell you, you make the cutest noises when you sleep?"

"I don't..." I respond while shaking my head.
Shit. How long had he been watching me?
I quickly wipe my mouth, desperately hoping I didn't drool in my sleep.

"You do. Like I said, it's cute." He chuckles and holds out his hands to me. When I grab them, he swiftly pulls me up from my comfortable seat and pulls me in a warm hug. I can't help myself and inhale his scent.

So this is what heaven must smell like. Eucalyptus mixed with...Hunter.

"I have a couple of questions," he says, pulling me out of my own little version of paradise. "As my assistant, do you happen to know my schedule for the rest of the day?" He asks, still tightly wrapping his arms around me.

Stupid question.
Of course I know his schedule.
Hello?! Have we met???

I lift my chin from his chest, staring straight into his beautifull eyes. "You have a couple of interviews this afternoon and a photo-shoot, but you have the night off. You don't have a show until tomorrow evening." I proudly answer.

Yes, I'm a geek. That's no new information. 

He stays quiet for a couple of seconds, thinking about my words while a smile slowly forms on his lips. He runs his hand through his dark hair before continuing. "Okay, next question. As Millie, do you happen to want to go on a proper date with me?" He takes a step back, not letting go of my hands while looking at me insecurely.

Truth is, I would love to go on a date with him. I think we've already established that I like the guy. But if I want to get out of this, without having my heart broken, now is the time to do so.
We had sex, no biggie.
People have sex all the time.

You can perfectly have sex with someone and just move on with your life afterwards.
Even if it's the mind blowing type.
I think.
I hope.

But if we end up going on a date, and actually enjoy it, who knows what may happen.

I put my money on disaster. This will end in disaster and you know it. Hearts will get broken.

I open my mouth to reject his offer, but to my own surprise I hear myself agreeing to it instead.

The moment the 'yes' leaves my mouth, his eyes light up. I almost get the feeling he was expecting me to say no.

Is it wrong that I like him being just as insecure about all of this as I am?

"What do you want to do?" I ask before he can ask me the same question. I have no idea what he likes to do on dates. My professional research didn't require me to know those things.

"What city are we in again?"

"Chicago." I answer and raise a brow. Did he really just ask me this? How can he not know his own touring schedule? I get he isn't expected to know all the details, but dude, at least pretend to show a little interest.

"Hey. Don't judge. I know it's your job to know all of this, and you probably think it is a part of mine to know it as well but trust me, when you've been doing this for like...forever... you'll get why I don't always know exactly where we are. Hotel rooms and private planes look the same all over the world."

I nod, feeling embarrassed that I had judged him this quickly.

"You make me want to know though..." he shyly adds, and my heart involuntarily flutters. "But to answer your question, if we're in Chicago, I would love to see the Bulls play."

"You do know they aren't that good anymore, right?"

"I just want to do normal dating stuff. Going to a NBA game sounds normal to me. Whatcha think?"

"I'd love that, yes."
Why do I feel like a school girl going on her first date all of a sudden?

Ugh, I need Leila here. Should I call her? I love that girl with all my heart but keeping secrets never was her strong suit...

"How are you going to get in unnoticed?"

"I have no clue... I usually ask Karen to give me a new look when I want to go out unnoticed for a longer period. It involves a lot of time, make-up and a wig."

I burst out laughing. "What kind of wig?"
I immediately let my imagination run wild and envisage him with a blonde quiff.
In a red pixie cut.
Purple braid.
Green dreadlocks.

Whoops... That escalated quickly...

I bet he would actually still look gorgeous in every one of those looks.

"Wipe that look of your face, Millie. You won't get to see me in a wig. I want to go out as myself when I take you on our first date. We need to have a decent story to tell the grandkids later."

I know he's joking, but I almost pee my pants.
I'll be happy if we just make it through that first date without drama or paparazzi.

"How did you do it in the past? "

He looks at me like I just asked him to give me the square root of 38473.

"In the past, Millie, I didn't need to hide. Girls actually wanted to be seen with me... I just called wherever I wanted to go, told them I was coming and they arranged everything...or better yet, my assistant called them. But I'm guessing that isn't an option here?"

"Oooh no. If you want a date with me, you better arrange it yourself."
It won't kill him to put in a little effort.
It's bad enough he's actually gotten me to agree on going on that date.
No way I'm going to arrange the thing myself.

"Fine. You, me and the Chicago Bulls. This evening. I'll pick you up at your hotel room at seven."

"And again, how are you planning to pull this all off without being recognized?"

"I don't know yet, but it looks like I have a whole afternoon filled with boring interviews to think about it. Now please just kiss me again, before I have to play good all afternoon and pretend I barely know you exist when in reality all I can think about is you."

Damn. He's good.

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