1 - Don't flatter yourself

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"You're late," I say as I watch the tall, brown-haired man come out of the elevator. Hunter.

I've been waiting for him in our hotel lobby for over forty minutes by now. Can you blame a girl for being a tiny bit irritated?

"Chill Millie, we've got time." He looks at me with an amused smile on his face while playfully rolling his eyes at me.

I sigh, making absolutely sure he knows I'm irritated. "You always think that you have all the time in the world, just because nobody says anything to you about it. It's my job as your PA however, to get you to these places on time. If you're late, that means I'm not doing my job properly according to them." I rant while getting up from my seat, making my way over to him.

"And who do you work for again?" he asks, still very much amused.

I can't help roll my eyes. Again. "For you yes, we've been over this already."

He grins. "Then why do you keep worrying about what others are thinking. I'm happy with your work, that's all you should care about."

"You've also..."

"Don't start the reputation thing again Millie, I've got my charms to make up for that." He winks at me while putting on his shades and steps out of the hotel lobby.

Ugh, I hate it when he acts like this. Like the whole world revolves around him.

As much as I hate to admit it, he's right about the charms thing though. When he walked by the receptionist 10 seconds ago, she practically fainted at the sight of him. Most people act like that when they see him, even if they've lived under a rock the last couple of years and don't even have a clue who he is.

Yes, he's handsome. There's no point in trying to deny that. Especially his big, striking green eyes that are accompanied by a pair of dark eyebrows to bring those eyes out even more are something else. His hair - a short mess of brown waves - always lies perfectly on his head without even trying.
Every guy wants to be him, every girl wants to be with him.

Except for me.
He is my boss after all.

I take a deep breath, preparing me for what I know is coming next, and follow him outside.

Just as I had expected, there are hoards of screaming people outside of the hotel we had just exited. Some of them are standing here since last night, just to catch a glimpse of him. Hoping he will take time to take some pictures with them or sign their CD's.

He looks at me innocently, walks over to a group of screaming girls, holds up his hands to me, and yells over the deafening sound of their screams "I can't just leave them here without saying hello."

This I understand. I would never mind if he was late to something if it was for wanting to spend time with his fans.

In this case, however, he was late because he was trying to impress supermodel - cliche I know - Kimmy Matthews in a club last night and couldn't get out of bed in time this morning because he only went to sleep at 6 am.

I could already imagine the headline:

"Hunter Rivers gets his groove on with Kimmy Matthews during his first solo tour."

I get in the car that is waiting for us and greet Luke, Hunter's driver. "How are you today Miss Millie?" I smile and feel my body relax a bit by the warmth in his voice.
"I'm fine Luke, thank you. Just a little bit stressed because we are already starting his day 45 minutes late." I check my watch, "...make that 55 minutes."

The car door sways open, and with a final wave to his fans, Hunter enters the car.
"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that," he says with a smile while scratching his head.

Luke immediately ignites the engine of the car, starting our very short drive towards the music arena.

"Millie, tell me...did you ever do this as a teenager?"

I laugh at his question. "I'm not proud of it, but yes. I even skipped a day of school once to make sure I would be standing front row at a concert of a certain rock band."

He cocks one of his eyebrows in surprise. "Miss perfect skipping school? Hard to imagine..." After a short pause, he adds "It didn't happen to be my band, did it?"

I start laughing again. "Don't flatter yourself Rivers, you were in a pop band. A boy band even."

I could see a small smile forming on his lips but he doesn't say anything.
That's a first... 

"Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy your songs though," I add while opening the car door and start making my way towards the entrance of the music arena without looking back to see his reaction, but based on the soft chuckle I just heard I could tell that he was smiling.

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