4 - Nothing I can't handle

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The crowd is going crazy, enjoying the last seconds of the concert. For some, this will probably feel like one of the best nights they ever had in their entire life. I smile thinking back at that time I stood front row as a sixteen-year-old and felt that exact same way. Excitement running through my every vein. The most alive I've ever felt. I was so sure that after that night, I could take on the entire world.

I feel a pair of warm hands on my shoulders, pulling my thoughts back to the present. When I look next to me I see that Karen, Hunter's make up artist, is the one distracting me from my teenage memories. "He really made us proud tonight, didn't he?" she asks. I smile at her while slowly nodding my head, letting her know that I agree with what she had just said.

Karen was Hunter's make-up artist from when he was still a part of BU. They share a special bond, and he is closest to her out of everyone in the crew. I can see why. She's always nice to everyone and never seems to have a bad day. She's a petite woman, somewhere in her late fourties, has a friendly face and her hair is styled in a short black bob.

That's why I'm not surprised when Hunter walks straight past Kimmy, right towards Karen after getting off stage. He envelopes her in a warm hug, the biggest smile plastered on his face with his dimples and perfect teeth on full display.

Laila's words flash through my mind. Okay, so maybe he is kind of cute...

Noooo noooo no Millie, let's not go there. You are a professional. Snap out of it.

I see Kimmy approaching out of the corner of my eye.
Her strawberry blonde hair styled to perfection - what else is new. She's wearing a little black dress and 6-inch heels. She looks like she came straight out of a magazine.
I could see why everyone always started drooling when she walked into a room.

I can't help but feel self-conscious all of a sudden, comparing her to me.
My long auburn hair didn't shine the way hers does.
She looks like she could fit through a letterbox and I definitely couldn't - special thanks to my ever-present curves.
I'm not a monster but even if I tried, I could never look the way she does. I guess that's why she is the supermodel, and I'm the PA.
I smile at that thought. Even if I could, I would never want to trade places with her.

"Huuuunteeer baaaabyyyy, you were amaaaazing."
She practically screeches his name and I can't help but wince at the sound coming out of her mouth. She may be easy on the eyes, but she definitely isn't on the ears.

Hunter also seems startled for a second, as if he had forgotten she would be here. She doesn't notice though.

As more and more people are coming over to Hunter to congratulate him on his first show, I decide I will congratulate him tomorrow. He deserves to enjoy his evening with the people closest to him.

Instead of asking Luke to drive me towards the hotel, I feel like  taking a walk back. It isn't that far and the fresh air will do me good.
Even if I wasn't the one on that stage tonight, I can't deny that these last couple of days were quite hectic. A small stroll and a bit of fresh air will help me clear my head.

It doesn't take long to gather my things - laptop, notepad, phone and  bag - and before I know it I find myself outside of the arena. The cool air hits my face and I feel alive - almost comparable to that same night ten years ago after my first concert.
So far so good.

As I start walking towards the park right across the arena I think I hear someone screaming my name. When I turn around I see a familiar figure running towards me.

"Mills, wait up! Where are you going?"

"Hunter? What are you doing here?" I can't hide the surprise in my voice. What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be with Kimmy, celebrating the first concert of this tour?

He smirks at me, "I'm being responsible. I'm gonna get in trouble with my PA if I don't get back to the hotel in time. I don't know if you noticed but she's super strict and has this weird thing with time schedules and professionalism."
He puts his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie and looks at me with a big grin on his face.

"She sounds like a total nightmare!" I exclaim, but fail to hide my smile.
Can't deny that was kind of funny.

He looks at me with a mischievous smile on his face, "Nothing I can't handle." His eyes meet mine and he looks like he wants to say something, but decides against it at the last minute.

I decide to let it slide. If it was important, he would tell me later anyway. This is his night after all.

After walking in silence for a couple of minutes, I almost forgot I didn't congratulate him yet on his amazing performance earlier this night.
"You did an amazing job tonight, Hunter. You know that I already loved your music, but hearing it live like that...I got goosebumps the entire time. You were born for this."

"My, my...Millie Jones, did you just compliment me?"

I feel my cheeks flush red - good thing it's already dark out. "That was not the first compliment I gave you..."

He slowly nods his head, "Ooooh yes it was... I never thought I'd live to see the day."
He puts his hand on his forehead, pretending he's about to faint.
As I said, he can be a real drama queen sometimes.

"I couldn't have done tonight without you...without any of you actually." He adds while putting his hands in his neck again and I can see he's nervous.

In a different universe, where he wasn't my boss, I would probably think it was kind of cute.

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