15 - No Kimmy

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"Shit." Hunter whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear while moving a hand through his brown hair.

I look up, searching his eyes. Silently pleading him to make this go away.

The moment I heard those clicks, I instantly started panicking.
How long had they been here? How much did they see?

Breathe Millie.
There are worse things that can happen, remember?

When I take a better look across the street, I relax a little when I see there's only one man clicking away. Doesn't mean there won't be more in a couple of minutes, I've seen it before.

He knows we've seen him, and he doesn't even bother hiding anymore. He even switches to a much bigger camera with a flash on it. Every picture is blinding me a bit more and I instinctively put my hands in front of my face.

Hunter doesn't seem very fazed by all of what is happening and starts walking towards him.

"Who do you have with you here Hunter? Is she your latest conquest? Are you and Kimmy over?" the paparazzo asks. He actually looks like a stereotypical paparazzo. You know the type. The ones that eat way too much junk food, have their hair in a greasy ponytail and still live at home at 37.

"She's my PA man, we were just having an argument about work related things. You can check it, she's in plenty of pictures to prove it. She's practically with me 24/7 during this tour." He says gesturing towards me.

"It did seem like a heated argument, you know, not the kind you have with a co-worker. I think you're only giving me half the story here Hunter." He smirks, winking at me.

When the words leave his mouth, I realize he didn't see us kissing. He would have mentioned it by now, wouldn't he?

"Do you want to work with her for a week? I bet you'll probably be killing her within four days of her busting your ass." He laughs, and the paparazzo joins him.

Hello?! I'm standing right here...

"Besides, why would I ever be out with another girl when I have Kimmy waiting for me in my hotel room?" He grins and even throws in a wink.

What now?
He did not just say that now, did he?

I see him glancing at me from the corner of my eye but I refuse to look at him.

"You're right man, this one definitely is no Kimmy." He says, looking straight at me before he continues. His eyes moving from my face, all the way down to my feet.

How do I always end up looking like a complete idiot when I'm with Hunter...

"It's a shame though, I really thought I got something here when I saw you two."

"Nope, nothing here...you can always try to sell the pictures but I don't think anyone would want them. I wouldn't want you to loose your credibility..." He shrugs.

An apologetic smile forms on Hunter's lips while he shakes the man's hand before he starts walking back towards me.

I start walking back to the hotel before he's back by my side. I can't talk to him right now. I know I'm going to say things I'll regret if I want to keep this job.

I'm well aware that the paparazzo is still eyeing us, so I just keep walking. Calmly. I would love nothing more then to just run back to the hotel. Run away from this mess... But I can't risk it. If that man with his gigantic camera would start doubting what Hunter just said, he would surely sell the pictures and an even faker story to go with it.

The minute we enter the safe environment of the deserted hotel lobby, Hunter grabs my hand. I instinctively pull away. Apparently, him touching me makes me do crazy things now and I can't have that right now.

He jumps in front of me, stopping me in my path. "That guy didn't know what he was saying. Kimmy is nothing compared to you. I mean..." He sighs shaking his head, doubting if he should finish his sentence.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and trust me Millie... I've seen a lot of them. You have no idea what you do to me when you look at me with those bright, golden brown eyes of yours...or when you pull your hair back in a ponytail when you try to concentrate but then decide against it and let it all just fall back on your shoulders... Do you want me to go on? Because I can go on for hours talking about all those little things about you that make my heart skip a beat, only just by looking at you." He puts his hands in his neck, waiting for my reply.

I want to believe him, I really do. Most girls would do anything to hear him say those words.

I step away from him, making my way towards the elevators. "It didn't sound like that ten minutes ago. I would consider a career switch if I were you. You're an amazing singer, but damn... I think you could even make a better actor." I fail miserably trying to hide my anger. He really has no clue how much he hurt me saying those things earlier.

"Don't tell me you believed any of what I just said to that paparazzo. I had to make sure he wouldn't sell those pictures Millie. You may not believe it but I know you, I know how you think by now. Your career is the most important thing in your life. You know what would have happened if those pictures would get published, even if there weren't any pictures of us kissing..."

He's right, I know he is.
Doesn't mean it didn't hurt like hell.

"I'm going to my room Hunter. Please don't follow me. I think we made a huge mistake tonight, and I would really appreciate it if we could just pretend it never happened." I'm using my most professional voice, doing my very best to not put any emotion in it. In reality I just want to run to him and continue what we were doing under those Sakura trees, but I just know how much more complicated everything would get if I was going to give in to that feeling.

My heart breaks when I see the defeated look on his face while I step into the elevator. He presses his lips together in a thin line. "Fine. If that's what you want..." and before he can say another word, the doors of the elevator close and I finally let the tears I've been holding back for the last minutes roam my cheeks.

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