26 - Two of you

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We didn't see much of the game.

Not because of that, you dirty mind! Because we ended up talking all night about everything and nothing. Just like we did in Denver a few weeks back, during our 'non-date'.

The night that everything started to change for me.
Something I couldn't admit to myself back then, for obvious reasons.

It was the first night I started seeing him for the guy he is and not just as the guy he wants the world to see. 'Just Hunter' turned out to be the better version of 'Hunter Rivers', in my humble opinion.

I was good at pretending it all didn't mean too much.
The chemistry, the kissing, the sex.
They were all casual, one time things. Or at least, that's what I had told myself.

But maybe I'm finally ready to admit that it's more than that. 

"Whatcha smiling about, Mills?" he asks, when he sees the stupid grin on my face.

"Do you want the truth or the easy answer?"

"We've had this conversation before. The truth. Always the truth." He answers while looking at me expectantly.

"I was thinking about everything that has happened between us, these last couple of weeks," I say, while nervously biting my nails.

This is it. I'm going to tell him how I feel about him.


Before I can gather enough courage to continue, he sighs and stands up from the couch. Making his way towards one of the huge glass windows overlooking the court. I can see him rubbing his neck before he starts talking. "Let me guess... You're going to tell me that it was fun while it lasted but that it isn't a good idea for us to take this any further, aren't you? You're going to tell me that you're a professional and that you don't want to risk your career for this. For me." The harshness in his tone tells me exactly how he feels - hurt.

He carries on with his speech before I get the chance to say anything. "What is it with you and that professionalism thing anyway. I know a lot of professionals and they are all very good at what they do but none of them are as freaky about it as you are."


He has a point though. I know I can be a little bit too tense about the whole thing.

It's just stupid he immediately jumped to conclusions. If he would have let me finish what I was about to say, this conversation would have been going a whole different direction.

"I'm sorry, Millie. I didn't mean it like that." He turns to face me, leaning against the glass behind him. "I just... I... look...I really like you and I hate how insecure it makes me. I'm not used to feeling like that." He says while rolling his eyes at me for the umpteenth time since we met all these months ago.

"You're lucky I like you too, even after the stupid things you just said," I say and take a Polaroid photo out of my bag, before walking over to him.

"It wasn't part of the plan to show you this tonight, but I guess now is as good a time as ever. " I shrug. Going on a date with him wasn't part of the plan either. I wonder if there even is a plan left to stick to at this point.

"This is me with my sister, Allison," I say while I hand him the picture I took out of my bag seconds ago.

"Whoa... There's two of you?" He says while tapping his finger against the picture.

"Yeah. She's my twin sister," I smile.

It's my favorite picture of us. We're holding each other, Alli's arms wrapped around my neck. I'm smiling at the camera, while she is sticking out her tongue. She's always been the rebellious one.

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