Make me!

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"Thief! Get her! Robber!" One of the guards held a knife to block her. "Hehe! Try to catch me if you can then!" Acting quickly, she swerved 180º suddenly to stay behind the guard, and tossed her spear, grabbed his right shoulder and left arm and sent him flying to the floor. Hopping and dodging around to all the other guards lunging at her. "too-dle-loo!" Grinning, she leaped away from Liyue harbour and to  Mt. Tianheng to hide. She sat cross-legged on the peak , on the grass. 

She lay there pondering about her thoughts until the sky turned dark and she was ready to go back. How fast time passed! She grabbed her amber spear and casually tossed it before preparing to go back. 

Suddenly someone blocked her path, holding a primordial jade spear to her throat. She chuckled and jumped up to the left, but the adepti reacted quicker and blocked her path again. 

Gulping, she stopped reluctantly. "...And you are? Surely you don't greet everyone like you're about to kill them. Ohhhh! You're Xiao! What brings you here?" 

Xiao put down his spear and stared at her, his sharp eyes looking coldly into her's. "I have been informed to try to track you down. Sources have said that you stole lady Ningguang's book and beat up eight guards!" 

Hutao's eyes glinted mischievously. "Hmm. I might've did that, but then I don't think anybody had any proof did they?"

Xiao glared at her in annoyance. "Return the book immediately and come with me right now to explain this to the Qixing commision."

Hutao cocked her head to one side and snickered, making him more annoyed. "Hehe, why should I do that? I prefer to stay here, in my lesuire time." she spun a circle, spreading out her arms. "Besides, I don't really want to. You guys piss me off. Hehe!" 

Xiao sighed exaperatedly and glared at her. "It is an order."

Hutao grinned back, amused. "And what will you do if I don't?" She smirked and jumped out of Xiao's reach. 

He glared at her as she was annoying him immensely and wasting his time. "This is the order of the Qixing commision! Follow me and return the book." He said, his voice rising.

Hutao's smile widened upon seeing him so frustrated, and tipped her head to one side. "Make me." 

he pushed her against the wall. 

Author's note:

Juicy things next chapter!

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