icy kiss

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"Hutao! Always so naive, so innocent. Did you enjoy the scenery? I purposely cleared the fog for you. On the other hand, Xiao wasn't quite that stupid, was he?"

Hutao gasped and struggled in the cage helplessly. "B-but-"

Dottore chuckled. "Now, what business do the adepti and the kid need here? To look at the scenery? Perhaps...to break the ice in vain?"

Xiao raised his spear and looked furious. "Let. Her. Go."

The doctor merely raised his eyebrows. "Oh? And what makes you think that I will? But...since you two are following excatly my plan, I will compromise. If you go down dilligently now and tell the people of mondstadt and Liyue that there is nothing going on here and never go up again, I will let her go," He twisted Hutao's wrist cruelly. "But if you take a step closer to the cursed ice, then I will be forced to push this poor little girl down this mountain."

Hutao's eyes filled with tears. Why did she have to tag along, thinking she could help Xiao? Now she just ruined everything. "I'm so sorry, Xiao. I never should have came. Just let him kill me and destroy the cursed ice! I'm not worth the lives of the people of Liyue."

Xiao glared at Dottore. Furious on the inside, but he knows he had to keep calm if he wants to save Hutao and the people of Liyue.

"Make your decision. Time is running out." Dottore clicked his fingers and sharp rocks began to fall onto Hutao, cutting onto her skin.

Xiao couldn't take it anymore. He snarled at Dottore and sprinted towards the doctor, crashing into him and knocking him to the floor. he flew up and plunged straight down to Dottore mercilessly. He repeated this, plunging a little higher this time.

The doctor struggled, got back to his feet in defeat, and vanished back to Snezhnaya, shattering Hutao's cage in process.

Xiao grabbed Hutao and hugged her tightly, wrapping his arms around her. "Are you alright?"

Hutao nodded shakily, leaning against Xiao. "I'm so sorry I was ever here. Then this wouldn't have happened."

Xiao's eyes widened. "This was never your fault. Don't think of yourself like that. Besides, we wouldn't have happened if you never came."

Hutao smiled slightly and grabbed his face and they kissed on the peak of dragonspine.

Author's note:

And that's it for now! 

But this book is far from finished. I'm going to continue writing about them going to inazuma so stay tuned :))

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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