perfect kiss

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At dusk, they reached a camp next to a broken bridge on a cliff. Quickly, they both pulled out their spears and attacked. Luckily, it was only a few helichurls and a megachurl. 

After they fought, Hutao stood on the broken bridge for a while, mezmerized by the snow swirling and the prettiness of teyvat. "It's really pretty here." 

Suddenly, without warning, ice started to form at her feet. Hutao yelped and tried to jump away but the ice trapped her like concrete, more ice traveling and trapping her legs and up to her knees. "W-what's happening?" Hutao gasped and struggled to escape. 

Xiao ran over and tried to pull her out, but even with his adeptal strength, she didn't budge. 

Both of them watched in horror as the weight of the mysterious ice weighed down on the broken bridge, sending a cracking noise, then the bridge broke once more and fell down the cliff, bringing Hutao with it, the ice shattering and splintered into her legs.

hutao screamed. Desperately, she tried to breath and retrieve her balance enough to glide, but she kept tumbling down helplessly. 

A pair of strong arms grabbed her shoulders and waist. 

Xiao steadied her and she leaned onto him, terror painted onto her face. They landed back onto the cliff, and Xiao lowered her gently down. "are you alright?"

Hutao exhaled slowly and shakily, burying her head onto Xiao's shoulder. "I-I'm fine, I'm just a bit shaken up." She closed her eyes for a few seconds. Her legs were bloodied and bruised by the broken ice. "Sorry. I must be a burden to you." 

Hutao closed her eyes, embarrassed, but suddenly Xiao carried her, bridal fashion, back to their campsite. "You would never be a burden." 

They drank their mugs of hot chocolate again. As they stared at the stars again, once again mystified, Xiao grabbed her arms and cupped her face in his hands. 

"I love you, Hutao. I'm glad I met you."

Hutao smiled. "I've never been so glad I met you. I'm so thankful to the stars for writing our fate this way."

Their lips crashed into each other, heads touching, with their arms intertwining around each other, as the stars glimmered the brightest. 



"Since the stars wrote out our beautiful fate, are we matched by the stars?"


Authors note:


but im so glad they kissssseddddddd like I never thought I would be able to write this

anyways, then there's going to be a lot more content trust me

about Dottore and things so keep reading to find out!"

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