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Third person

We've been picking up a lot of dark matter from this direction.”

A team of scientists trudge through the ruins of a village that was once bustling with lively inhabitants, all equipped with gasmasks and detectors, their camp long behind.

In search of what might've caused such destruction. It was nothing they've ever seen before, no scratch marks, to wrecks, no bodies, just an endless trail of smoke, an occasional whispers in the shadows, chanting in little mumbles of ancient language.

“Do you hear that too?” a black haired prodded, turning to the guy behind him, his steps a bit uncertain the deeper they walked into the forest.

His counterpart paused, shrugging when nothing made it to his hearing. Nothing too serious, its been a week they were sent to investigate the mystery about this villager's disappearance and the only thing they've picked up is the smoke getting thicker and thicker, causing them to navigate their way with flashlights.

“Its defin-”

The taller was swiped right before his very eyes, too quickly and less of a sound to grasp whatever might've took him.

Enrion?” He called, turning with each swift movement emitting in the darkness. The scientist took up his taser, pointing it at the two red dots smearing from an oddly vague smoke, the closer it got too him.

And slowly it took form of a male figure, eyes burning red, his body indefinite and atop its head a dancing fog hovered. “Hope you don't mind,” It spoke, voice raspy and distorted. “I'm borrowing your friend.”

“I- team 2-c, back up, str-” The frightened ravenette fiddled with its 2way radio, unable to form words.

All the while the strange fog walking closer and closer, until its huge smoky hands grabbed his face, breaking the gasmask. “Inhale,”

“What the hell is that thing?” the receiver yelled, shooting tasers at it, only of it to ghost right through it. But it did manage to make the smoke deform, sparing his teammate.

Maybe it was too late, cause his hand was already radiating the same smoke.

---------------• ° -💜- ° •-----------------

Yes, its me again, I'm still alive

This is a sequel to ‘Lost worlds’ but can be read as a stand alone

You don't necessarily need to read the first book to understand this one

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This is a work of fiction of my imagination

I do very much own the plot and I will not tolerate plagiarism.

No copying, reposting anywhere and no Translations

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