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Third person

        “Wait, are you guys actually dating?”

Virgo choked on her coffee. That wasn't the question she had expected Leo to ask Pisces and Taurus. She sniffed, looking at the duo, who were totally unfazed by the question. Cancer– who was barely there– had his gaze pinned out the window, his eyes moving in a strange manner, like he was searching for something amongst the crowd. And it wasn't the first time. He would randomly space out of the conversation, only to jump right in and say something random. One of them knew something was definitely up with him.

“Believe it or not, we're just really good friends,” Pisces shrugged. “Co-owners of this cafe!”

Virgo choked again, making the blonde sitting next to her genuinely concerned. “Are you aright?” Gemini patted her back soothingly.

“I'm sorry, I haven't been eating that much and I've forgotten how to do that,” she waved it off. And it was actually true, the black haired was way skinnier and had dark circles. She looked frail and would sometimes lean on Gemini for support.

It was the same case as everyone in her section, all burning awake to study the dark smoke.

“Yeah! Pisces loves baking and I love tasting,” Taurus smirked, placing both hands on the table.

“Sure, and also the architect of this building,” Leo blabbed.

“Hey, Junior architect. It was actually my first time. Worked hand in hand with Pisces. But you should be more impressed about the holograms and machine steaming here, Libra and Aquarius made them. So we're all partners!” Taurus raved, throwing her air, accidentally hitting Gemini, who yelped lowly.

“They're both so good!” Pisces added.

“Nerd number two and weird girl are still together?” Cancer finally budded in.

Pisces flinched at this, staring at the blue haired. “Bro, you're so quiet. What's up?”

“Ignore him, he's just silently craving alcohol,” Virgo scoffed. She was actually the one observing him the whole time.

Cancer smiled brightly. “You get me so well, I love you.”

Taurus, Virgo and Leo all chorused. “Ew.”

Cancer huffed, he crossed his arms on the table, resting his chin on them. “I don't feel alright,” he sighed lowly. Leo patted his hair softly, playing with the strands, but her attention was on Pisces who was raving.

“...Its been so long, I'm so excited to see you all.”

“Especially Leo, right?” Gemini interjected, wiggling his brows.

“He's over his little crush on her!”

“Taurus, shut the fuck up!”

Cancer chuckled lowly, his gaze still on Gemini's fizzy drink. Watching each drop dribble down slowly.

“Are we gonna tell them why were here? Or just keep talking...?”

“Virgo-” Leo called, looking at the shorter opposite her. “Its good to catch up. Lord, you earth signs,” She smiled at the brunette behind her. “Except you Taurus.”

Taurus smiled, leaning on the back rest. “I'm guessing you're here about that mysterious fog, right?”

“Yeah, I was wondering when the Queen was gonna call in,” Pisces added.

“You guys are aware?”

“News travels fast,” Taurus grinned. “And going out with the gang sounds fun.”

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