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Third person

         “...and this is Saggie. Isn't he cute?”

Aries cooed sweetly, crutched down as she whisked her finger's through the little animal's soft purple fur. She had given the whole team a tour around the farm, introducing them to every animals within the sheds. From the swift stallions to the smallest chicks, the black haired didn't miss any single one. And by the time they made it to the last animals, the orange glowing orb has already sunk below the scarlet horizon.

“That's a baby donkey,” Sagittarius gruffed, crossing his arms as he watched the others ogle at the little creature. “Why'd you name it after me?”

“Cause its cute and annoying,” Aries looked up, grinning innocently. “Just like you.”

Her response made the others chuckle, Sagittarius's reaction was a bonus point. “That fits so good,” Leo wheezed, resting her arm on the taller's shoulder. And that was accompanied by many other remarks.

“Wow, I can't believe you guys came all this way...” Aries brushed her index finger over the tip of her nose, sniffing. She pushed her straw hat upwards, now taking in their number. “Um... Not everyone could make it, huh?” the farm girl asked.

“We haven't found them yet,” Pisces quickly blurted, still distracted by the purple baby.

“Found them?” Aries mused.

Gemini pushed himself off the grass he was sat. “We're getting the team together again.”

“Why? Did Corvus escape or something?”

“Don't you know why we're here?” Taurus was befuddled.

“Oh? Well I thought I knew but the way you sound now, I just...” The black haired heaved in a deep breath. “I just don't know anymore.”

“Kapnós? The deadly fog smoke thing?”

Virgo rolled her eyes at how nonchalant Cancer sounded. It was a great miracle he decided to get invested in the conversation.

“You want me to leave here? Well I won't, I'm not going back into that toxic world filled with rage and frustration. Have fun stopping caplocks!” Aries huffed, storming away from where they stood.

“Its Kapnós!”

“Fuck you!”

Aries didn't stop even for one second. She had never considered leaving the farmyard, it was peaceful and calm, the exact reason she came here. It was an alternative to help get rid of her careless anger, which had gotten worst when they separated and Capricorn had just disappeared without letting her know the reason why.

“Oops, we made her mad.”

Leo got ahead of them, speaking reassuringly. “Don't worry, I'll talk to her,” she for one knew Krynn barely have a connection with the outside world and was not surprised when Aries had no idea of the up brewing chaos happening.

“Leo giving prep talk?” Gemini groaned. “We're doomed.”

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