Chapter 21

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Ah high school what a wonderful place to be.


My current position was in the principals office. A bloody nosed jock sitting a seat over and the principal scratching his head in complete confusion. Dick sat in the seat next to mine leaning back with a careless look to him.

When your like me, a billionaires adopted daughter all you seem to get is fake friend. They either want two things, the popularity that comes with being around bruce Wayne's ward or to know ever gruesome detail of how exactly we became orphans. At least for me people didn't bother me as much because of my outstanding social skills.

Sadly though my outstanding social skills couldn't save me from punching out a senior who hit on me, a lowly freshmen. It wasn't him hitting on me that bothered me quite the opposite actually.

Honestly I was flattered but then he just had to bring Dick into this.

I'll just take it back a hour to give you the whole story.

-1 hour earlier-

"Charlotte you know you'll make varsity cheer," Aria said with a grin bumping my hip with hers.

"Like you won't," I said with a raised eyebrow. "Can't believe we're going to make it as freshmen thou, won't make some of the seniors very happy," I grumbled with a fake pout making her laugh.

"Well I know one senior that you could make very happy and he is standing right at your locker," Aria said with a little squeal at the end making my eyes widen when I caught the eye of Deven Morre.

No denying that boy was blessed in the looks department but all my subconscious was doing was comparing him to Dick, I really need to get over this crush that I have.

Ah hell I know it's not a crush I'm in love with the guy and he doesn't even know, no one knows actually. Shaking the thoughts from my head I put a smile on my face and approached the boy who leaned against my locker.

"Is there a certain reason you might be leaning right here, on my locker?" I said raising an eyebrow watching as a crooked grin came to his face.

"Hm I decided to give you a chance to go on a date with me," ah arrogant seniors my favorite, can you here the sarcasm. What this boy gained in looks he lacked in modesty, he knew he was hot and those were my least favorite people.

He took a step back as I reached for my lock. Opening my locker I stuffed my book bag in and grabbed my cheer clothes.

"A chance to go on a date with you, that's your pick up line? Sorry but I don't date over confident jerks, their just not my type," I said with a wink as I shut my locker. Grabbing my hand he spun me around not missing a beat.

"I could be a nice guy, for you beautiful I'd be anything," he was smooth I would give him that but Dick was smoother- god dammit I'm supposed to be getting over him!

"Hey char," said boy said coming out of no were. Turning a real smile came over my face as I gave a little finger wave to Dick.

Coming closer he threw his arm over my shoulder giving me a side hug while looking down at me with a soft smile.

"Don't you have cheer to be getting to," he teased oblivious to Deven who was currently fuming obviously not used to getting ignored by girls as blatantly as I was. Couldn't make him feel any better that he was being ignored for another guy either.

"She does and I'll be walking her now, circus freak," Deven said pushing Dick roughly while he threw an arm over my shoulder a smirk plastered on his face.

"What did you just call him," I said deathly calm as I side stepped his arm clinching my fist at my side.

"Babe come on, I know you have to be nice to him in front of other people but it's ok. I know you think he's just a freak," his smug smile didn't last long because my fist was now flying forward connecting perfectly with his nose I heard a satisfying crunch before Dick pulled me back.

The large jock feel to the ground clutching his face like a wimp.

Grabbing his collar I leaned down so I was in his face with a glare specially saved for scum like him.

"The only person I was pretending to be nice to was you. Call him a freak again and your broken nose will seam like a blessing to what I will do," I whispered the last part watching as his eyes grew wider. Standing up I turned to Dick who was looking at me with shock.

Walking forward i wrapped my arms around him. "Sorry he called you a circus freak,"

"Happens," he shrugged not even effected. "Bruce is gunna be pissed," he groaned as he released me from the hug.

"Oh my," a voice said from behind me. Turning with a cringe I saw our principal running forward. Looking at all three of us he gave us a hard look. "My office right now,"

And now here I was watching the principal try to process what we had all just told of the story.

"So your telling me you," he said pointing at me. "Punched him, because he called him a circus freak,"

"Yep," I said with a nod of my head.

"Ok well then Mr. Morre you have detention for the rest of this week and next week," Devens mouth dropped open as he stared at the principal.

"I will not allow a bully to roam my halls, as for your Mrs. Wayne I suggest you and Mr. Greyson hurry on to class wouldn't want you two to be late for your classes," I was in shock for a moment till I felt Dick grab my hand basically dragging me out of the office.

We both speed walked down the hall till we were out of ear shot and broke out laughing.
It took a moment to calm our selves before we could actually talk.

"You know I can defend myself right Charlie?" Dick said as we started to walk slowly again heading towards the gyms.

"Ya, I know," I said kicking at the ground for a moment. "It's just that I don't like it when people make fun of you for where you came from or for any reason. And you never do anything you just take it and let it roll off of you like it doesn't even matter. I just-"

"Their opinions don't matter to me char, I can name all the people who's do on my hands, and your probably my number one. So as long as you accept it I could care less what others say to me," a small smile came to my face at his words.

"I'm your number one," I said softly with a small smile.

"Course you are, your my best friend," shot me, shot me right on the heart.

Best friend. Best Friend! God friend zone me some more please.

"Ya," I said half heartedly, he didn't take any notice as he gave me a hug outside the gym doors before jogging off to his class.

"Best friend," I muttered to my self again with a pout before heading in to cheer practice.


Ah the friend zone the best place to be am I right? Lol




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