Chapter 30

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The cave was quiet as the team sat around winding down from the mission they were just sent on. The mood of the team was tense, no one knowing what to say.

"Artemis," Tweety whispered softly next to her. Her voice was so soft but it traveled though the silent room. "Are you o-"

"I'm fine," She grunted out glaring at the wall, her emotions were on high and everyone worrying about her was starting to agitate her. No matter how long she's been on the team she still had issues with the whole caring thing. Even with Wally it sometimes proved an issue but she was getting better, more accepting.

"No you're not," Wally said looking her over again, he hadn't left her side since they got of the bioship. "Babe your dad just tried to make a human shish kebab out of you," it wasn't that odd for Artemis's father to attack her brutally but the wound he meant to inflict was a fatal one. It would have been too if Tweety hadn't jumped in the way getting a knife through the stomach.

"Tweety is the one who got stabbed not me, and it's not the first time my dad has tried to kill me and it sure as hell won't be the last. Now can you all stop," She snapped out crossing her arms over her chest

"Hm your right I was stabbed which means we have to do what I want tonight," Tweety said with a slight glint in her eyes that promised mischief only a bat could get up to. Artemis raised a brow at her best friend just happy that the attention was off her for a moment, while everyone looked at her intrigued. "let's play truth or dare,"

"really, Birdy that games a bit over played don't you think," Robin questioned her but they all knew he would be the first to do whatever the blonde wanted.

It was a true statement that he would follow the girl straight to hell with a smile if she asked.

"yes and that's exactly why I want to play, its normal. I want to be normal for a night, sue me." She said with a huff glaring at him lightly a slight tug to her lips made it know she was joking.

"Alright," he conceded raising his hands in surrender before looking at everyone who shrugged without question making a small circle on the floor.

"Ok who wants to go first?" She said excitedly looking around at everyone waiting for a volunteer. Artemis decided to humor her and started it off.

"Alright Dick, truth or dare?" His eyes squinted in her direction trying to gage her mood.

"I'm playing it safe, truth,"

"man I was really hoping you'd pick dare," She whined out with a little pout before tapping her chin thoughtfully. "I'll go easy, of you were stuck on an island what three things would you bring with you,"

"unlimited food, the batplane, and Charlie," he said quickly like it took no thought at all. They all looked at him with raised brows. "What I may have thought about this situation before," He shrugged while tucking Charlie close to his chest kissing the top of her head. A few turns went by till it was Conner's time to choose someone

"ok Charlie, truth or dare?" she scratched her chin acting like she was thinking before smiling.

"Dare, Batman aint raise no bitch," rolling his eyes at her Conner decided on her dare. "Hey no mind linking with M'gann that's cheating!"

"I wasn't," his smiled said otherwise. "I dare you to prank call Batman," Both Charlie and Dicks eyes got wide in fear.

"never mind truth!" she said quickly shaking her head aggressively.

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