Chapter 26

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ok so i know i said last chapter that this chapter is going to be really awesome and its kinda awesome but the NEXT chapter is going to be the really big deal not saying this one isn't awesome as well.


Dicks p.o.v.

Ah love, isn't it wonderful. It wraps you up in its warm cocoon of happiness and makes you get butterfly's in your stomach. That's at least how I would describe it. You see I have a problem thou a large colossal all mighty problem.

I am in love with Charlotte Rose Wayne.

You may ask 'Dick why would being in love with Charlie be a problem?' And the answer would be that she is completely oblivious to how much I love her.

I make it obvious I truly do. I've probably hit every step known to man but everything comes up short. I just can't win!

But not today, today I am a winner!

Raise your hand if the most beautiful girl in the world kissed your cheek.

Oh just me, ya I know pretty great. The rest of the night I couldn't stop smiling and this continues till the day after. Walking into the cave I could just feel happiness.

"What go you so smiley, Robin?" Artemis said with a raised brow as I practically skipped into the kitchen.

"What I'm not allowed to smile?" I joked raising a brow behind my sunglasses.

"You are but not this much," she teased, "but seriously what is it?"

"It's nothing big or anything," I said with a shrug putting my hands in my pockets. " it's ju-" I was interrupted by the computer announcing Tweetys arrival.

"Helllooooo," her voice traveled through the cave meeting my ears. A dreamy smile involuntarily came to my face as I turned towards where she was coming in at.

"Wait! Something happened with you two didn't it!" Artemis whispered before tweety made an appearance in the room.

Hushing her I turned back to Charlie who skipped into the room smiling.

"Hey guys," She said with a cute little grin while she tilted her head a little to the side making me hold back an involuntary 'aw'.

"Just waiting for B to tell us our next mission,"

"Oh he's working today so we have the day off!" She said excitedly but her eyes looked shifty like she wanted to say something else.

"Hey maybe we could finally do that movie day we were all thinking about," I suggested making any excuse to hold her in my arms for longer then a minute.

"I actually need to talk to you about something really important," Charlie said quickly making me raise a brow.

"Ok what's up?"

"Um could we talk about this...alone," she said nervously making me start to worry. I nodded as she pulled me out of the kitchen to a more secluded room. Her behavior was off as I studied her.

"Is everything ok?" I knew her like the back of my hand and all the signals she was sending me were off.

"That depends on how you take what I say," she said cryptically.

"Char your kinda freaking me out,"

"I don't mean to I'm just nervous!" She said throwing her hands in the air.

"Just spit it out," I said quickly as every thing she could possible say to be flew through my head. "Because the longer we stand here the worse my head makes the situation,"

The next thing she said sent me into shock.

With a frustrated shout as she pulled her hair she made eye contact with me.

"I'm in love with you!"


Wow that was short but hey it got to the point!:)

30 votes + 15 comments = free chapter!!

Way to get to the goal guys!:)




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