Chapter 23

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So it's about to be flash back central up in this chapter so just beware! Ok have fun my loves!


Ok so step one fell through but step two was fool proof I just knew it!

Step 2: list all of Dick Greyson's flaws.

Number one, he is to nice! I know what your thinking! To nice? But the boy is a super hero and he takes out the bad guys and punches them in the face and punching people is most certainly not nice!

But that's Robin and I'm not in love with him. I'm in love with the boy behind the mask that gives me his jacket when its cold even though he will freeze. I'm in love with the boy who can't tell people no because he doesn't want to let anyone dow- I'm off task again!

Back to what I was saying.

Dick is to nice.

Even if his generous personality was one of my favorite traits.

Number two, his hair is nicer then mine.

There I said it, his gorgeous raven locks made me feel like Cinderella before the old lady came and pimped her ride.

His hair was so soft it should be illegal, I even once asked what conditioner he used and he said just the normal generic two in one that all men used.

Which brings me to number three on our list of flaws Dick Greyson possesses.

Number three, he is a literal angel.

Now some might say that, that isn't a flaw but when you yourself are a monster you don't wish to taint the purest beings.

Weeks after I was found after the joker had captured me the only person who could calm me down that wasn't my father was him. My angel in disguise I would call him in my mind.

*flash back*

Standing in the middle of the gym watching as my team mates trained I felt anger bubble in me. I was forbidden from practicing anything, I couldn't even do a measly cartwheel with out having someone breathing down my neck about possible injury and not knowing what could happen to me if I wasn't careful.

"Hey tweety, you ok?" I heard Conner say from his spot on the ground where he was doing sit ups with a two hundred pound weight on his chest acting as if it was a measly 1 pound hand weight.

"Peachy," I growled out glaring holes in the wall felling my eyes change back and forth between red and blue. My gums ached as I felt my canines try to elongate but I held them in along with my claws.

"We know you won't hurt us, you can change its alright," Artemis said softly.

"You don't understand," I said softly not making eye contact with her. She let out a huff before standing up crossing her arms.

"Then make us understand, you've been so distant from us! You avoid all of us like the plague and barley come to the cave anymore! We miss you tweety," Artemis finished quieter then she began.

"I can't control it!" I yelled finally looking up claws and fangs at the ready. "I don't know what to do! God I wish batman never found me in that warehouse I should have just died in there with those men I killed,"

"Shut up!" Robin yelled shocking all of us even myself who knew him like the back of my hand. "Just shut up! Stop talking about you wanting to die because if you did-" he paused looking so broken as if the thought of me dying would kill him too. Composing himself he glared me down. "We are going to learn how to help you, we will spend all the time you need helping you figure this out because your not alone in this. You are not a monster. Because a monster wouldn't care about hurting their friends or grieve because they killed someone who deserved to die. A monster would feel nothing and you feel everything, don't you." I realized now that he was standing directly in front of me making me take a step back only for him to grab my hand and pull me to him.

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