Chapter 2

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The next morning around 9 I was awoken being told to get ready because a very important man was down stairs looking to adopt a child.

Getting ready with all the other girls silently we made it down the stairs and stood in a line. I closed my eyes hoping to become invisible

"Um here they all are sir..." Keeping my head down I listened to her talk to the person looking for a child.

"I would like to adopt her." I thought I knew the voice so I lifted my head. My eyes searched the mans who wanted to take me and suddenly it clicked.

A small smile made its way to my face as I ran to him wrapping my arms around his leg. Smiling down at me he picked me up, placing me on his hip as I tucked my head in his shoulder much like last night. Closing my eyes I smiled hugging myself closer to him.

"I believe there is paperwork to be done." The adults talked for a moment but he never put me down. Not when they needed to sign things, not when they were shaking his hand. Not at all.

"You came back for me." I said softly.

"I pinky promised didn't I?" He said quietly as we got into the car. Opening the door they scooted in the child sitting in his lap. After a while the child began to talk.

"What's you name?" her eyes filling with childlike curiosity.


"What's your favorite color? Mines blue I don't like pink." I scrunched up my face thinking of the ugly color. "To girly."

"I like blue too." He said laughing with a pretty smile.

The car ride continued like this. I asking questions and Bruce answering them and asking a few back. The man driving who I had found out was Alfred drove the car silently listing to us talk. When the car pulled up he came back and opened our door. Smiling at me I shyly grinned saying thank you for holding the door.

My eyes widened when I looked up taking in the house. My family's house was large but not as big as his. Bruce had a castle!

"You live in a castle," I said in awe looking up at him. All he did was chuckle. "Does this mean I'm a princess now," I whispered in hope.

"Well I guess it does, come princess Charlotte. Let's go explore your castle," bowing dramatically I did a little curtsy before giggling happily. Grabbing his hand I pulled him to the door excitedly. When they were opened I was mesmerized by the sparkly chandelier. "Pretty,"

"Alfred and I worked on your room last night," Bruce said walking us up the stairs and down the hall till he got to a pair of double doors. Pushing them open I squealed in excitement when I saw the room. It was a light sky blue on the walls but the ceiling was dark blue with the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. The bed was large with colorful sheets and pillows but on top of the sheets I saw a little bear propped in the middle of the bed. Running I jumped on it scooping the teddy up. "Is this for me," I said looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Anything for a princess," he said patting my head softly. Launching off the bed I wrapped my small body around him making him catch me in the air.

"Thank you," I mumbled into his chest. Humming softly he held me to his chest for a while. My eyes be an to droop as I rocked me softly. Placing me under the cute covers he kissed my forehead. "I think it's nap time for you kid, I'll be here when you wake up," he whispered as I fell asleep happily. I watched as he walked out the double doors before leaving them cracked slightly. When he was totally gone from sight I drifted off to sleep.

(Switching to third person cause I have issues writing in a four year old perspective lol)

As the small girl closed her beautiful ocean blue eyes for a nap the billionaire made his way down the stairs of his estate.

"Alfred, she loved her room," he said excitement seeping into his voice. The butler had never seen him like this. So excited and happy it was refreshing.

"I'm glad master Bruce, now what should I prepare you two for dinner?" Bruce's eyes widened as he registered his words.

"I don't know what she likes! Or if she's allergic to anything, what if she- I have to go," he said practically running to the old clock he didn't even waste time to close it. Going into the cave he found himself I front of the computer searching Charlotte. In that hour he found that she had an allergies to bees but no food allergies. She was O negative for blood type and her favorite food was pasta.

"Whoa it's so big in here!" He heard a voice behind him shout in excitement. "There's even a dinosaur in here!"

"Charlotte how'd you get in here," he stated not angry but curious.

"The door was open," she said not looking at him as she ran around looking at everything. She excitedly ran around pointing at things that she's find and then animatedly shout how cool it was to her.

"Is this your suit she said popping up behind one of the tables with his cowl on her much small head. The cape dragged behind her. Holding it so she could see out of the eyes holes she smiled happily.

"Yes, though it's a little big on you," he said laughing as he lifted her onto his hip. Lifting it so he could see her better he have her a small smile of his own. "Let's go up, I think Alfred made you dinner. Do you like pasta?"

"It's my favorite!" She said in a childish like shock. "How'd you know,"

"Secret," he said chuckling as she stared at him with a thinking face. She seemed to give up. Draping the cape and cowl over the chair he carried her up the stares as she swung her legs happily.

Once at the top he placed her on the floor watching her run into the kitchen. She was so happy, so young and innocent. It was like her parents didn't just die yesterday. The mind of a child was and amazing thing, the ability to still be happy after such tragedy made him slightly envious of any kid.

"Bruce, Bruce! Alfred said I could help him make cookies!" The small blonde squealed happily when he entered the kitchen. Grabbing his hand she dragged him to the table demanding that he sat and watched. He complied already wrapped around the little girls finger.

"Alfred guess what I did today!"

"What?" He asked Charlotte.

"I went into the cave, and I saw a dinosaur! And a big penny and-" she went on describing the cave and how she saw some bats in there. She even told him about trying on his cowl and cape. "-and then we came up here to get dinner,"

"Well it sounds like you had fun,"

"I did!"

During her little speech about her day they had finished fixing up the cookies and they were now in the oven.

Sitting down all together we ate, normally when it was just occasionally Alfred and I sitting together eating silently but tonight was filled with conversation manly from the little blonde. Laughs were brought from both men as she told them animated story's. Charlotte was an opinionated little girl who told them exactly what she liked and disliked. She fit into their little family perfectly. ________________________________________________________

Wow you guys did great on votes and everything! I didn't see it till now because my schools wifi blocks wattpad;( those bitches! But there you are!:)

New goal

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Seems easy enough for you amazing people!:)


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