Chapter 29

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"If you would all turn to page 73-" I zoned out my teacher and started to stare out the window with a sigh. It was the last day of school why was she trying to teach something new.

Glancing at the clock is saw that there was still another 30 minutes left in class till we got out for summer break making me groan. A knock on the door of the classroom had Mrs. Campbell halt in her speech about advanced quantitative reasoning. she said a quick come in before the door was pushed open. not paying any attention to the person at the door i glanced down at my blank notes with a sigh.

"note from the office," the familiar voice made my head snap up. At the front stood Dick with his signature grin as his eyes locked with mine. Winking in my direction I watched at my teacher glanced at me.

"Miss Wayne you are wanted in the counselors office take your stuff you might not make it back in time. You will most likely miss the rest of my lecture,"

"shame," I said with a fake pout. "the study of AQR was really riveting," I said flashing a bright smile before walking out the door which was held open by Dick, ever the gentleman.

"I know you only held the door so you could look at my butt," I said once we were in the hallway making him let out a soft laugh. Grabbing my hand we walked down the hall. "so what does the office want?" I asked looking up at him with a raised brow.

"nothin," he said nonchalantly with a little smirk. "but I do want something,"

"hm your very bad," I said flirting back with a cheeky smile. " getting me out of class with a fake pass just to spend time with me. Not sure whether I should scold you or kiss you,"

"hm ill take option number two please," dragging me outside we walked hand and hand towards Alfred who was waiting patiently in the town car.

"alfreds even in on us playing hooky," I asked with a raised brow getting a shrug in response. Hopping into the back of the car I greeted Alfred with a grin.

"where to Master Dick?"

"nearest zeta tube were going to the cave for the weekend," my head snapped towards him with a huge smile.

" Really?" I said excitedly practically jumping in my seat that I get to spend time with my team.

"yep talked to B and he said he was fine with it," leaning over the seat I wrapped my arms around him kissing his cheek.

"you the best," I said happily before settling back into my seat.

"that doesn't count as my kiss does it?" Dick whispered so Alfred wouldn't hear him.

"no it doesn't but you will have to wait to collect till were somewhere private," I said equally as quiet.

"were hear, your bags are in the trunk, leave your school bags in the car and I will take care of them." Alfred said pulling over to the side of the road near and alley way that had what seemed to be a broken telephone booth in it. Stepping out of the car Dick quickly grabbed our bags throwing both over his shoulder before taking my hand, waving to Alfred we glanced around before walking into the alley.

"you seem to be all prepared for this,"

" Anything to make my girl smile," he said sweetly while the zeta tube scanned us and then beamed us to the cave. Leaning over I slipped my glasses over my eyes the same time he did just in case anyone saw us before we had a chance to change.

Stepping into the cave we saw that no one was there yet so we quickly split up to change into different clothes that weren't our school uniforms before settling on the couch to wait.

"babe can I collect now?" Dick questioned with a raised brow that couldn't be seen from under his sunglasses but I knew him well enough to know he was.

" I guess so," the words barely left my mouth before his lips crashed onto mine, pulling me forward I was suddenly straddling his waist as his hands found my hair and mine ran over his chest and back before holding onto the back of his neck to keep his lips attached to mine.

His tongue ran over my lips and I quickly opened my mouth with a soft sigh as our kiss became more heated.

"oh my god! I liked it better when you to didn't know you loved each other," I heard Wally groan making Dick and I snap apart looking up with wide eyes. Artemis smacked him over the head making him groan.

"leave them alone," she said with a grin in our direction making us blush as I quickly scrambled off Dicks lap but stayed tucked into his side when he refused to let me go.

"so how long are you two here for?" Wally asked when he flopped on the couch pulling Artemis down with him making her huff at him but smile none the less.

"whole weekend, maybe longer," Dick answered as the computer announced Conner and M'ganns arrival.

"awesome us too!" Wally said excitedly.

Soon we all found ourselves sat in the living room discussing summer plans and what we were going to do this weekend.

"we could go TP Lex Luthers mansion again" Conner threw out making me giggle as I remembered the night we all decided to cover his house with toilet paper. It looked like it had snowed with the solid cover of white over his whole estate.

"nah batman chewed us out bad for that one," Wally said cringing at the memory.

"ya but superman liked it," Conner said proudly.

"we could have a movie marathon," M'gann suggested but I quickly shot that down. "remember what happened last time we tried that," the missing coffee table made us all remember when the fight for what movie got a little to physical.

"we could go ice skating, we've all been talking about it for a while now," I said making them all think about it before they agreed.

"well then what are we waiting for off to the rink!" Dick said pulling us both off the couch with a grin.


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