Chapter 25

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I am getting down to my last ideas! I've tried to stop the aching feeling in my heart when I look at Dick trust me I have but when he says such sweet things to me I tend to back track from where I was going. This whole process seems to be one step forward and seven steps back. My heart is just to filled with love and so I have decided that it is time to close it off.

I'm going full Batman brooding serious with a hint of teen angst to spice it up.

I put on my most serious face as I prowled down the stairs trying to look emotionless. Stepping into the kitchen I stalked to my seat sitting down slowly with my eyes taking over the room.

"Miss Charlie would you like your usual coffee?"

"I'll take my coffee black today Alfred," I said not breaking my scowl as I answered him. If I kept this scowl up I think my face might start hurting.

"You hate black coffee," my father said while he sat at the table with the paper drinking his own cup. "You said it taste like tar and sadness,"

"Well I changed my mind," I said turning up my nose. Alfred handed me the cup with a raised brow but said nothing. Letting it cool for a minute or two I finally took a sip trying not to pull a face. After another moment I couldn't take it. "Ok it's gross it's really really gross!" I groaned running into the kitchen I opened the fridge and grabbed out the half and half. Grabbing the sugar and French vanilla mix I skittered back in with my head low. Fixing my coffee the way I normally drank it I frowned.

"Don't worry one day tar and sadness will taste good," Bruce said leaving me at the table as he left for work.

"I prefer tea over that disgusting drink any day," Alfred said before also marching back into the kitchen.

Putting my chin in my hands I scowled at the wall. This whole tough and serious persona was really hard to keep up.

"You do know that Master Dick is at the cave already you can stop the act," Alfred said with a smug smile as he peaked through the room at me. "The brooding is better left for Master Bruce, Charlie,"

"I thought I was doing a decent job," I mumbled lifting my mug of coffee to my lips to drink it.

"Why don't you just tell the boy Charlie it would make your life a lot easier,"

"Alfred he doesn't feel the same way about me," I mumbled my eyes getting watery. "I mean why would he like me, I'm a freak," I said a tear slipping from my eye. "I-I can't get angry with out sprouting claws and fangs. I can't talk loudly with out worrying about making people around me go deaf. I mean every person who's every wanted me wanted something from me, they don't want me I mean why would they," As I spoke more and more tears ran down my face till I was sobbing softly.

"I want to be normal so bad," I choked out between sobs.

"Charlie," Alfred whispered hurrying to my side. "You shouldn't think such things. Now listen to me young lady, any boy would be lucky to even have you glance their way. And you are not a freak, you are a wonderful young women with extraordinary powers that have yet to be honed," Alfred cradled me in his arms as he sat in the chair next to me.

"And as for being normal, well it can't be that fun it seems truly boring to me, it's the weird ones that tend to have more fun," he said with a wink making me give him a watery smile.

Pulling a handkerchief from his jacket pocket he handed it to me. Muttering s 'thank you' I dabbed at my eyes.

"And of all the people in the world I can't think of one that accepted you faster for your differences more then Dick did, maybe your father but he doesn't count," I have a short laugh at that.

"You think so?" I looked up at him hopefully as he gave me one of his rare smiles.

"I know so,"

"Then I'm gunna tell him," I said nodding my head.

"Tell him what exactly?" Alfred said pushing me to say it out loud. Like saying it would set it in stone and not make me turn my back on the idea.

"I'm going to tell Dick I'm in love with him,"


Ok I know it's short but hey the next chapter is going to be so awesome I can just feel it! I can't wait for them to start dating because I have so many ideas that I literally sit in my room typing them while muttering "goals" the whole time😂

Ok so you guys got really close to the goals and the chapter was ready so I was like imma post it anyway:)

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So there you go:)



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