Chapter 31

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Swinging from the light post above my head, I landed perched a top a building. Batman stood next to me with a stoney face as we watched the man bellow us slowly creep down the alley. He hadn't done anything wrong but the way he seems to follow the girl in front of him rose suspicion. Girls walking alone at night in Gotham always seemed to brew up some kind of trouble. Like clockwork the man we followed seem to hurry his pace as the young damsel looked worriedly behind her. It was quick, he suddenly had her up against a wall attempting to feel her up.

I was quicker though. Flipping down from atop the building I landed behind the pair. Striking hand out I threw him off the girl who had tears running down her face. Ill admit I may have thrown him a little to aggressively but all I saw was red when I saw the man attack. There was a special place in hell for rapist, I wished I could send him there early. But justice league has a no kill order and if I killed another person I might mental check out forever

"It's alright, your safe now," I calmed her, I could hear bats behind me finishing up with the man. She lunged forward embracing me in a tight hug, sobs racking though her body.

"Thank you, you saved my life," soothing her softly, I got her home address so that we could escort her safely. Ten minutes later she was home free with us watching from the shadows.

This was what my nights were like, and I loved it.

"Tweety, you fractured that man's skull," Bruce said softly from behind me.

"he will live," was all I could muster a reply.

"Yes but with what quality of life, his brain could permanently be damaged," every word he said made me angrier and angrier and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. "You need to control your strength before you kill someone,"

"Im sorry but he deserved everything and more," my apology sounded as fake as it felt. Walking away from the girls home I melted into the shadows my father creeping behind me.

"You need to control yourself Tweety, one day your shift is going to happen when we can't cover it up and it could ruin you,"

"God all you ever do is try to control me, why can't you except that this is who I am!" my eyes blazed a burning red as I turned around to look up at him.

"You know I act this, I just want you to be safe,"

"You can pretend all you want, but I know you hate what I am!" I could see his eyes widen as he took me in.

"What's wrong? You've been acting on edge all day," His attempts to calm me only angered me more.

"your what wrong! You always act like my powers don't bother you but I can see that you hate them!" It was like I took a back seat to my own brain. I knew what I said wasn't true, he was the most supportive person other than Dick in my life.

"You know that not true Tweety,"

"stop telling me what I know! God all you ever do is boss me around! I hate you!" the second the words left my mouth I regretted them but the beast that controlled my body at the moment held no sympathy for my father. His face suddenly looked torn and confused.

"Tweety," was all he got out before I shot off my grappling hook in search for Robin. He was my anchor; he could calm me down better than anyone. In this moment that's what I needed more than anything.

The farther I go from my father the guiltier I felt, the beast was out of control and I wasn't doing much to rain in my inner demons. I knew he wasn't following me but my words were staying with him. He was the emotionless bat but I knew what I said would crack his hard exterior. He was already an insecure father, doubting his ability's, why did I have to be such a bitch.

Landing next to the bat mobile I grabbed my bag out, finding a spot where no one could see me I changed back in to my civilian clothes deciding for the night I was done being Tweety. I needed to go back to Charlie, who was kind to her father who loved her more than anything and wasn't a complete bitch.

Walking towards Robin's location I tried to think of a good apology that would really get across how sorry I was to my dad. My shifting lately had been slightly more aggressive; I could admit that. I think it had to do with my busy schedule as of late. My emotions had been on high all week, and I didn't get to spend as much time as I usually did with the team or Dick for that matter. None of this though was a good excuse for telling my father that I hated him. I loved him more than almost anyone, he saved me more times than I could count.

I would go to him, but first I needed to find Robin to calm me down.


this prequal is coming to an end beware everyone! :)




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