Chapter 8

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My hands are placed behind my head, my eyes are looking at the sky, Lauren is swimming in the sea and my thoughts are running around the place like crazy.

I close my eyes to get some sleep or just enjoy the sound off the sea and the birds, even the wind is blowing perfectly today. I am lost in my own world when something wet falls on my face, I open my eyes to see Lauren leaning over me, her hair wet as she is squeezing the water from it on my face.

"Lauren, stop." I say and she laughs, I pull her down on me and roll us over so I am on top of her. "Well hello to you too, I knew that me being on top wouldn't last for long." I look at her eyes and see lust, I can't let her do that to me again, I can't let her win. I roll off of her and she sighs, "seriously? You're going to keep it in your pants even though you know we both want this and we are basically married?" She asks sounding a bit mad, man she can go from sweet angel to a hot devil in no time.

"I don't have condoms here and for the record I am tired, I would like to take a nap." She sighs and stands up quickly. "Let's go then, let's go back on the boat, I am hungry anyway," and mad, and annoyed, and frustrated because I said no. Lauren just walks towards the sea angrily and starts swimming, Sam pulls her out of the water quickly and she runs inside into the room where we are sleeping in.

"Trouble in paradise?" Sam asks when he pulls me up, "by the way your phone has been going on and off." He hands me the towel and the phone, I sit down by the table and sigh.

"I don't even know what's up with her. One minute she hates me the next she acts like she likes me. And she is pushy like really pushy," he raises his eyebrows.

"Look I will take the small boat and leave, my wife wants me home, but I will be back tomorrow at 2 pm. I know that they act a bit crazy on their honeymoons but let's be real, if she wants to have a little fun let her have it. You two are married what is stopping you from doing it? She is your wife, make her feel like it." Well he is right, I should probably try to fix it but still, we didn't use protection. I guess Sam was tired of my silence and he left, I see him on his little boat when I look over the rail.

I pick up my phone from the table and I almost drop it when I see the message.

Mike: What on earth do you think you're doing with my daughter?

Y/N: Excuse me sir but I don't think I follow, what are you talking about?

Mike: I told you to protect my daughter and then I go on the internet and see her laying in your arms. I don't even want to know if something else happened! Keep your hands off of my daughter, you are just a body guard, after a year you get paid and divorced!

Y/N: I get paid? Divorced?

Mike: Kid you really are clueless aren't you, we are just using you as a protection, my daughter would never fall for you. The wedding was the only way to keep her safe for now and yes, you do get paid I told your father this.

Y/N: I know nothing about it sir. I promise I'll protect her.

Mike: Just don't touch her like that anymore. Your job is to keep her safe, nothing else.

I sigh as I drop the phone on the table. Great, I wonder if Lauren knows about this? She probably does, why would she let me buy her a real ring and dress if she is just faking it. Don't jump to the conclusions, maybe she doesn't know it either.

Speaking of the devil she comes oustide with fruit salad in her hands, she sits down next to me quietly, nobody saying a word for a while. She is eating her fruit and I am turning my phone in my hands.

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