Chapter 3

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I said I would upload this on Tuesday by the latest but I couldn't wait any longer lol so here's a little something to get through the week. Hope you enjoy it :)

Rae' Rae x


The next day

Corinne's POV

Me and Callie were currently seated on our thrones. Our crowns were placed perfectly on top of our heads and our hair was straightened neatly down our backs. We were once again dressed in our royal colours, her in blue and me in red. It was a good image I must say.

It was unknown to me why we were actually here but I was about to find out,

"Your majesties. Case 1467286 is ready to be presented to you."

Callie nodded and the guard bowed before walking out again and I looked over at Callie confused,

"What is this about exactly?"

She turned in her throne slightly so that she could face me properly, "Every now and then, a case or two gets presented to me. Although there are lawyers and judges around the world to try cases, the ones that are presented to me are high profile. They are usually wolf related and in the eyes of the law are criminal enough to be sent here."

"Do you know each case before they get presented to you?"

"Sometimes. In this case I do not, hence why I brought you along to this one. I have no prior judgement and neither do you. You are more level headed than I am so this will be good for you. Is that okay?"

I nodded and she smiled at me before we both faced the double door just in time to see the guard come back into the room with a man in restraints,

"Your majesties."

"Please explain what this case is about and both me and Queen Corinne will be the judge and jury."

He nodded, "The man in restraints, Leonidas Grivator, is being tried for murder of his wife. He has pleaded guilty but as he is a wolf, he can only be tried by you personally. He claims that his wife was having an affair but was even more angry because it was with a woman. He is, homophobic to put it simply."

I raised an eyebrow at the guy in restraints, "Oh really? Maybe you are unaware that your Queen is bisexual?"

Leonidas looked up at us and snarled slightly, "No one was aware of this until recently. Homosexuality is a sin."

"But yet the Goddess herself put us together."

"And the Goddess herself will be condemned! Homosexuals should be captured and burned at the stake for being the abomination that they are! My wife was a slut and deserved to die!"

Callie was about to stand up out of anger when I placed a hand on her thigh, stopping her from doing so. This case needed to be handled in a calm manner rather than handled through anger,

"Do you have any children Mr Grivator?" I enquired calmly, to which he nodded,

"I have a six year old daughter."

"And what if your daughter ended up liking women in the future?"

He growled, "I would kill her as well!"

I closed my eyes briefly, in an attempt to control my anger. I knew how to handle it but this man was scum of the earth,

"I believe I have heard enough." I stated before looking at Callie, "What is your decision?"

The Queen (GXG) (Lesbian Story) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now