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Today marks 4 months since I posted the very first chapter. Today will be the day I post the very last chapter as well. 

I'm not going to go on talking because I will post an A/N after this chapter to explain a few things so without keeping you waiting any longer, I present to you, the epilogue :)

Rae 'Rae x


Corinne's lips curved up slightly as she closed her eyes and finally succumbed to the darkness.

It was like she was being pulled out of her body. She wondered if this was what dying felt like but she wasn't worried or scared. She was about to be with her mate again and knowing that, gave her a sense of calm.

She jolted to a stop and opened her eyes. She was no longer in the vampire castle but was now in a meadow. It was beautiful, she had to admit. Did this mean she was dead?

"You are correct."

Corinne turned on her heels and her mouth opened in shock and awe at the figure in front of her. She had seen and read many books to know who this person was. She immediately got on one knee and bowed her head,

"My Goddess."

The Goddess looked down at her daughter and smiled. She could see that Corinne was a good child, always had been. She didn't deserve what had happened to her.

"My daughter, please, you do not have to bow to me." The Goddess spoke.

Corinne rose to her feet and looked up at the Goddess. She was most definitely dead if she was seeing her right now. She wondered if Callie was here as well, that would make her feel a lot better. Being able to see her mate again was all she wanted right now,

"You will see your mate soon Corinne."

Corinne nodded and couldn't help but admire the Goddess' beauty. The drawings of her really did no justice. Corinne didn't think she had seen anyone so beautiful. Well, other than Callie of course.

The Goddess smiled, "I am able to hear your thoughts here. The love you have for your mate is astounding. Although, you do not have to call me Goddess all the time. I go by many names, Luna, Nova, Seraphine, Eva. It is your choice."

In the distance, Callie was looking over at Corinne and the Goddess confused. She knew that she had died but if Corinne was here that meant she had died as well. That wasn't what should have happened.

Callie was happy to see her mate, don't get her wrong but she just didn't expect to see her so soon. It made her wonder if Corinne had taken her own life to get here. That didn't make her happy.

Callie walked forward until she was behind Corinne. She placed her hand on Corinne's shoulder and Corinne jumped and turned to face the culprit. Her eyes widened as she looked at Callie.

Corinne couldn't believe what she was seeing. She reached her hand out, gently touching Callie's cheek. She had to make sure that what she was seeing was actually real and not her imagination.

As Corinne's hand touched Callie's cheek, she let out a small sob. She was real,

"Callie." Corinne choked out before hugging her tightly. It felt like forever since she held Callie in her arms. She didn't want to let her go.

"It's really you." Corinne whispered. She felt Callie run a hand through her hair and it was like they were never apart. It was a feeling they both didn't want to let go of,

The Queen (GXG) (Lesbian Story) (Book One)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat