Chapter 19

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Corinne's POV

I signed the contract. Mentally, I let out a breath of relief but in reality, I was wondering why this was so easy. I managed to get in and sign the contract with no hassle at all. This wasn't like King Symmon's and quite frankly, I didn't want to find out what was going to happen next. I knew I wouldn't like it.

The King took the contract from my hands and I dropped the pen to the floor. He read over it and smirked,

"And here I was thinking you wouldn't sign it." He spoke amused. I didn't understand how he found any of this amusing,

"Make good on your promise and let my wife go. She no longer has anything to do with this."

The King nodded and walked over to Callie. I mentally smiled, thinking she was going to be free. I was wrong.

King Symmons stood in front of Callie and made her stand on her feet. He whispered something in her ear and from that point it was like everything happened in slow motion.

He reached into his pocket and before I could even react, he pulled out a silver knife and stabbed Callie in her stomach over five times.

I was numb.

I was frozen.

I couldn't move.

I was in pure shock.

The sounds around me started to fade. I didn't have the comprehension to stay in my human form anymore. Lilliana took over and shifted. She howled into the sky.

The signal had been given.

Everything from that point went red. I was angry- actually I was furious. Livid and every other word in between. Nothing could describe how angry me and Lilliana was right now. At this point, we were aiming for everything in our way, no matter who they were. We had King Symmons in our sights and everything else in between us was merely an obstacle in our path. An obstacle we would destroy without a second thought.

One by one, guards kept piling into the room, advancing on me. They were quick but I was angry and when I was angry, I was guaranteed to be quicker.

I ripped out the throats of any guard that came close to me, silencing them to death.

I clawed at their faces, making sure that I would be the very last image they would see before they met their fate.

Naturally, I was a force to be reckoned with on a normal day but no one had ever fought me when I was angry. No one wanted to fight me when I was angry. Lilliana always took over and I let her. We slaughtered everything in our way in order to get exactly what we wanted.

It was like for every guard I killed, two more took their places but it didn't matter. King Symmons was not about to get away with what he had done. Over my dead body.

I fought and fought and fought tirelessly through the stampede of guards that kept coming at me. It was hard but I wasn't about to give up.

Everything in my surroundings at this point was blurred. Nothing mattered to me but killing King Symmons.

He was foolish to stay where he was. He thought his guards would be able to stop me. He thought very wrong.

Growling loudly, I advanced onto King Symmons, baring my teeth at him. He looked fearful but he didn't try and run. It would be pointless anyway.

With every step I took forward, he took a step back. I wondered if he was saying his prayers to the Goddess right now.

He was going to need them.

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