Bonus Chapter 1

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Today, I received a message from a Wattpadder saying how they loved this book. That really made me smile so I thought, why not upload the first bonus chapter for you guys? I'm in a really good mood after that so I hope this update puts you in a good mood as well. It's a really laid-back chapter, which is my aim for most of the bonus chapters. I need it after writing all those intense chapters, believe me lol

So, I hope you enjoy the first bonus chapter! :)

Rae 'Rae x


Callie's POV

When I was younger, around fifteen years old, I dreamed about having a family of my own. I knew that being bisexual meant there was a strong chance I would never be able to have biological children. I also knew that magic was very much existent and therefore there was also a strong chance that I would be able to have biological children. It was just the case of finding someone powerful enough to be able to help with that.

Having a child with someone who wasn't my mate was out of the question. When Corinne came into my life, my plans to have children were inevitably put on hold because of the war but she had expressed many times that she wanted a biological child.

Corey was our life, don't get me wrong, and we loved him to the very depths of our heart, like he was our own child but no matter how hard we try to look past it; he isn't ours biologically and I know that pains Corinne. It pains me as well but I know how to hide it a lot better than she does.

When the war ended and everything managed to calm down, Corinne said she wanted to have a baby. Naturally, I said of course, knowing I wouldn't be able to say no to her anyway. I had always wanted a child so I was happy but I painted a picture in my head. This picture was of Corinne being pregnant, happy about the upcoming birth of the baby, more affectionate and hopefully more submissive in the bedroom. Believe me, that was not how it happened in reality.

Realistically, Corinne was a nightmare.

If she wasn't demanding enough already, she was ten times worse now. If I thought she was going to be more submissive, I was very wrong. She was the complete opposite. If I thought for a second that she was going to be more affectionate, I thought wrong. If anything, she wanted more affection from me, something I wasn't able to give her. Affection was something I gave her everyday without fail but she wanted so much more. More than I could physically and mentally give her.

Have I told her any of this? No I have not and do you want to know why I haven't told her? I haven't told her because I very much cherish my life. I died once and I do not plan on dying again anytime soon, especially not by the hands of my own mate.

Corinne was so scary while she was pregnant, she even manages to scare off Tatum. Now, Tatum was extremely tough and nothing fazed her. She took being exiled on the chin like it was nothing while others would've begged and pleaded to stay. There wasn't much to make Tatum sad, angry or scared and yet Corinne manages to make her feel all of those things. Sometimes all at once.

Tatum knows it's because she's pregnant but have you ever tried to talk calmly to a pregnant wolf?

Neither have I. Calm is not in Corinne's vocabulary right now because she'll either burst into tears or shout at you for no reason. There was no in between with Corinne but I wouldn't want her any other way.

I didn't know what pregnancy felt like. It was Corinne's decision to carry the baby this time. I said I would carry the next time but hopefully that won't be for a long while, especially since we were having twins. Corinne said she wanted at least six children so I needed a lot of time to prepare for that.

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