Chapter 15

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2 days later

Corinne's POV

Surrounded by everyone in the meeting room right now, made me realise just how deep this war had gotten.

When we returned back from Avanos, we announced the fact that we were top ranked. It was safe to say that everyone was ecstatic. They actually threw a party that same day to celebrate. Me and Callie of course joined in and I'm sure the whole wolf world is still celebrating this very moment considering we broadcasted our achievement this morning. It was an honour to be a part of this milestone in not only Callie's reign but in history. Our kingdom is the only kingdom to be top ranked with a royal couple at a such young age. We have made history.

However, the parties and festivities were now over for us. The royal guards from the mermaid kingdom had arrived early this afternoon and we were now sitting down together, with our royal guards, to discuss what our next move was going to be.

After King Symmon's had threatened to hurt Corey, we decided to send Corey and my family off on a little holiday of sorts. Really it was for their own protection. I had sent six guards along with them, three of them were to watch from a distance, the other three were to be close by. I wasn't taking any chances.

I was more worried about Prince Hunter than anyone else. He was as ruthless as his father and I knew he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

I ran a hand through my hair and took my crown off. It was annoying me and I didn't see the need to wear it right now. I placed it on the table in front of me before leaning back on my chair slightly.

I scanned the room and realised that everyone was looking directly at me. I looked at Callie, who was looking at me worried,

"Are you alright? I asked you a question but you didn't seem to be listening."

I nodded, "I'm sorry, I was in a slight trance for a moment. What was it you asked?"

She went to caress my cheek but I moved back slightly. I just didn't think this was the right time to be doing that. She looked at me hurt but didn't say anything on the matter. I knew she would talk to me about that later though.

She cleared her throat, "I asked you what you think we should do."

I leant my head on my hand and thought for a moment. I didn't really know what to do. I didn't condone violence and only really used it when necessary or when I was extremely angry or upset. That was rare. I didn't want the kingdom to be labelled as one who believes in violence. I didn't want to retaliate but I knew we had to. Not only did he send his men to stab my wife, twice, he also threatened to hurt my son. That was unacceptable.

It wasn't only King Symmon's we had to worry about though. We had Prince Hunter, Cyran and Diane. Callie told me that she believed King Clarence had no idea that Cyran was allied with the witches and warlocks. The witch and warlock kingdom were fairly neutral. They have gotten into a few wars over the years so I've heard but they've been pretty quiet lately.

So we had a wolf, witches, warlocks, and vampires to deal with. All I know is, if we prevail with this war, no one will mess with our kingdom again. Guaranteed.

I came back to reality and shook my head slowly, "I don't know what we should do. We are up against three different species here. Cyran is manipulative and if the wolves in our kingdom had any ounce of respect or loyalty, they would know better than to join up with him. The moment they do, is the moment they commit treason. Usually, I am not one to retaliate but I'm making an exception," I looked over at Kingsley, the guard from the mermaid kingdom,

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