Chapter 6

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The song I've posted has no relevance whatsoever to this chapter. I just really really REALLY love that song lol so I thought I'd share it with you guys :)

Hope you enjoy this chapter, especially since it's waaaaaay longer than chapter 5. Way longer. Soooooo...Enjoy!

P.S: There is slight slight slight sexual content in this chapter. Like so slight you probably won't even notice it lol but I'm putting this warning here anyway.

P.P.S: Evanescence are awesome! (My favourite band btw) :P

Rae' Rae x


Four days later

Corinne's POV

It was day four of our holiday in the Seychelles and it started off okay until Callie started to randomly disappear throughout the day. I tried asking her what was going on but she wouldn't tell me. It was actually starting to worry me now.

She would say she needed to make a call or answer a message and then she'd disappear for hours on end. As well as worry me, it was starting to piss me off as well. She booked this holiday specifically so we could spend time together and then she disappears for hours. There was no point in this holiday if that's all she was going to do.

We only have one more full day before we left to go home tomorrow afternoon,

"Callie." I called out to her, making her put her index finger up, telling me to wait. She was on the phone again but I wasn't having that.

I walked up to her and snatched the phone out of her hands, disconnecting the call and placing it on the table,

"I was on the phone!"

"Calliria." I stated, making her look at me wearily. It wasn't often that I called her by her full name so she knew something was up,

"What's wrong?" She asked me, making me laugh sarcastically,

"What's wrong? You want me to tell you what's wrong?! We've been here for four days and every day since we got here you've been on that damn phone! Tell me what's so important that you have to ruin our holiday for!"

She stretched her hand out towards me, "Baby-" I cut her off,

"Cut the bullshit Calliria. I want a straight up answer now or this holiday is done, do you hear me?"

She sighed and ducked her slightly, "I can't tell you."

I nodded, "I see. I guess the holiday is over then."

She shook her head and grabbed my waist, making me struggle against her, "Let me go!"

"No, no. I'm not letting you leave me."

I removed myself from her grip and turned to face her properly, "Then tell me!!"

She leant her head in the crook of my neck and and wrapped her arms around my waist again. I had no idea what was going on with her and the way she was acting right now was making me worry even more. I sighed and ran a hand through her hair,

"Please baby, just tell me. Why can't you tell me what's going on? You're starting to worry me."

"I can't tell you." She whispered. I pulled away from her,

"Then I'm sorry, I have to cut this holiday short. I can't be with you while you're continuing to sneak around behind my back. I'm not only your mate, I'm also Queen by your side. You promised me you would never keep anything from me but look what you're doing now! You would rather push me away then tell me the truth? Is that what you're saying?"

The Queen (GXG) (Lesbian Story) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now