Chapter 13

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The next day

Calliria's POV

Saturday morning. A morning where we didn't have to wake up early to drop Corey off at school, or train the warriors. Training was in the afternoon on weekends, instead of mornings on weekdays.

Yesterday was hectic after me and Corinne came back from the Hall of Royals. We called a meeting to discuss the situation with Cyran, Diane and the vampires and we came to the conclusion that we had to wait it out until King Symmons made his next move. We couldn't retaliate in the way we wanted to because that's not what our kingdom is about. The ball was in his court now and it was up to him how he wanted to play it.

I looked to my side to see Corinne was still asleep. I smiled down at her and moved her hair from her face. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she stirred slightly but didn't wake up. I decided to use this time to go and have a shower.

I quietly got out of the bed, being careful not to wake Corinne up. We never got around to Corinne's promise because we had so much to deal with but I didn't mind. We had more important matters to deal with before we could even think about being intimate with each other.

Most of the issues have been dealt with, other than the impending issue with King Symmons but that was something I didn't even want to think about right now.

I let the shower run until it was at the perfect temperature. I stripped out of what I was wearing before stepping into the shower, closing the glass door behind me. I stepped under the spray of water and closed my eyes contently. This was exactly what I needed after a stressful week.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and my eyes shot open. I turned slightly to see Corinne leaning against my back. I smiled,

"Good morning love, did I wake you?"

She shook her head and looked up at me, "Not really. I was partially awake anyway. I felt you give me a kiss on the cheek though."

I turned around to face her and looked down her body. Every single time I looked over her body, it was like the first time all over again. She was absolutely breathtaking.

I ran a hand down her waist until I got to her back,

"You, my Queen, are absolutely beautiful." I said. She blushed,

"Thank you. As are you"

I smiled and pressed my lips to hers. All I'm going to say is, one thing led to another after that and we finally got to use the item she bought. It was one of our better showers I must say, especially since she let me take control this time. I loved being in control.

*After the shower*

My sexual frustration had finally been released, after over one-hundred hours. Yes, I was counting. I felt so much better now though. I smiled to myself and Corinne hit my chest playfully,

"Stop thinking about it and pay attention." She said with a smile on her face,

"My apologies. What were you saying?"

"I was saying, what do you want me to wear to the ball?"

I raised an eyebrow at her words, "I do not own you Corinne, you are free to wear whatever you want, as long as it's not too revealing of course."

"I know but I want your approval."

I nodded, "And my approval you shall have my Queen."

She smiled, her cheeks a tint of red, "Okay, wait here."

The Queen (GXG) (Lesbian Story) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now