Bonus Chapter (Final)

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Callie's POV

Christmas ended up being very eventful. Everyone got what they wanted and then some. Me and Corinne managed to tuck the kids into bed after much protest from them. Corey wasn't a problem; it was more so the twins that were hard to deal with. Especially Caleb. He didn't go to bed until we allowed him to sleep with his wand. Believe me, it took a lot of time and effort to get him into bed. Camellia was easier but was still just as difficult, however, we got there in the end.

Now new years was upon us. It felt so weird because although I had been with Corinne for two years now, it still shocks me that we were going into another year together. It made me happy nonetheless though, especially knowing we had our kids.

I never did anything for new years after my parents died because I just never saw the point in it. Why would I celebrate moving into another year, when technically I was alone? I mean, I know I had Ava, Evelyn and the staff in the castle but it wasn't the same. I didn't have that someone to celebrate with but all that had changed now. That, and the fact that Corinne really wanted to do something again this year and like everyone knows, I can never say no to Corinne.

So, tonight we were just having a small party. All of the staff and their families were invited. Corinne wanted to do it this year so I naturally agreed. Also, I didn't really want to sleep in the spare room again. I haven't in a while and I really want to keep it that way.

At the moment, we were just setting up for the party. Many of the staff adamantly suggested that me and Corinne let them set up the whole thing but we decided against that. We weren't the type of Queens to leave the work for everyone else to do. We didn't like that.

As I looked around the ballroom, I smiled at how everything was coming along. It wasn't anything big, we were just putting up a few streamers, some balloons and some drapes, which would probably stay up after this party because I was really liking the colour. It just seemed to fit the room quite nicely. I'd run it by Corinne later to see what she thinks.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I smiled, automatically knowing that it was Corinne, "What are you thinking about?" She murmured into my back. I turned around to face her and she leant her head on my shoulder, with her arms still around my waist,

"I'm just thinking about the party. It's been a while since I've done this, I'm just not sure about it."

She sighed and leant her head up to look at me, "We've spoken about this."

I averted my gaze downwards and ducked my head slightly. She wasn't having that. She tilted my head back up to look at her,

"Look, I know you haven't had a party since your parents died. We have our own family now and I think it's time we show them our traditions and I know one of yours used to be this."

I nodded. That was a good point. I couldn't keep letting my parent's death affect me like this. They said they were proud of me and that should be enough.

"You're right. I'm sorry." I replied. She smiled and bit her bottom lip slightly, making my wolf purr. She looked so sexy when she did that,

"You know; I was thinking about something." She spoke seductively. I licked my lips before replying,

"What were you thinking about?" I asked. She looked me up and down briefly,

"You left me this morning without giving me a kiss and I was wondering if you could make it up to me."

I smiled and slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I leant down and pressed my lips to hers. She smiled against them and raised a hand to my hair. Before we could really get into the kiss, someone shouted out,

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