Chapter 14

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6 days later (The day of the ball)

Calliria's POV

The Under the Sea Ball. Held every five years by the King and Queen of the mermaid world. Usually, the annual balls would be held around June every year but it has been moved forward three months. Not great timing but not a big deal either.

Every kingdom holds their own annual ball, however, I haven't held one since my reign began. It wasn't in my interest to hold one either. Now that I have Corinne, that may change but we'll have to wait and see with that one.

It was customary for every royal to dress accordingly or be refused entry. The annual ball was also held as a night of truce and peace. King Symmon's would be attending the ball tonight, along with his wife, Queen Alessandra. I was sure that their son Prince Hunter would also be attending, along with Princess Julianna, their daughter. This was one night out of few, where conflict and argument was forbidden.

The annual balls were held in order to bring every kingdom together and maybe even sort out their conflicts. I remember my parents telling me they tried to resolve the feud between the wolves and Lycans during the annual ball held by the vampires. It didn't work, especially since Cyran was attending that ball. I didn't attend that ball but I always wondered what would have happened if I did attend. Would I have seen Cyran's betrayal sooner? Could I have reasoned with them myself? So many questions that couldn't be answered.

Training within the castle had been amped up significantly since I got stabbed on my own territory. I also punished the guards for their incompetence and replaced them immediately. I couldn't afford for anymore people to trespass on my land, especially with Corey around. Patrol was upped by fifty guards a night, each taking separate shifts to avoid fatigue, which could lead to slip-ups.

After the law was passed for women to join the royal army, over one hundred women stepped forward to join. After testing them all, me and Corinne narrowed it down to fifty-seven. It's not that the other forty-three were unfit to join, we just felt that the royal army, in the long run, wasn't something for them.

The men weren't happy at first with the change in law, some stating that women should stay at home and let the men do the fighting. That didn't go down well with the women, including me and Corinne. I made sure to remind them that without us women, they wouldn't be here to fight. I made them get on their knees and bow to all of the women as an apology. I didn't tolerate sexism in my kingdom, hence why I changed the law in the first place. Everyone was equal, no matter what gender they were.

I felt a hand slip into mine, making me snap out of the trance I was in. I looked down and smiled at the sight of my wife. We were at the ball, waiting to be announced in. It was tradition that every royal couple from every realm be introduced to all of the guests.

Corinne looked absolutely astonishing in her dress today, topped off with her light blue high heels. She curled her hair today instead of straightening it. I have to say I do prefer that hairstyle.

I was wearing the exact same dress as Corinne but in red, same with the heels. Corinne insisted on it. I protested at first saying that I didn't want to steal any spotlight away from her but she wasn't taking no for an answer and everyone knew that I couldn't say no to Corinne.

I cut my hair three days ago as well, something that made Corinne very happy. Tonight I had put it into a neat bun with two curls left at the side of my face, courtesy of Corinne once again. The curls were annoying me but it did look nice so I tolerated it.

Corinne reached up and adjusted my crown slightly, being careful of my hair, making me smile down at her,

"Thank you."

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