Chapter 20

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I know, I uploaded a chapter yesterday, well I'm in a very good mood this week lol

This chapter is in a completely different POV but it's in here for a reason.

The next chapter will be the final chapter; the epilogue. Tomorrow will mark 4 months since I started writing this book so I will be posting the epilogue tomorrow for the 4 month anniversary so look out for that one.

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Rae' Rae x


Tatum's POV

Forbidden Spell: A spell that is not permitted or allowed regardless of level, age or ability. If attempted, is punishable by imprisonment, exile or death.

There is a reason why spells are forbidden in my realm. They've been made that way due to the past where dark mages have used them for wrong, therefore making the spell unusable for all.

Usually, I would never have thought about using a forbidden spell. I am a well known and a well respected General and to use a forbidden spell brings disgrace to the kingdom I fight for as well as the title I had been given.

I hadn't known Corinne or Calliria that long so why did I use the spell to help them? I used it because I know for a fact, if the roles were reversed and I was in Corinne's position, she would've used the spell to help Sasha. How could I be selfish and not allow Corinne a second chance with her mate?

With every spell, especially forbidden ones, there is always a time constraint on them. The spell I used was called The Blood Magic Spell. In the past, that spell was used by dark mages to bring to life those who had fallen on their side in order to continue their evil. It was only used for evil and because of that, the King and Queen made it forbidden for anyone to use, no matter who they were.

The spell was very complex and even as a level ninety-two mage, it took a while to master. I bet you're wondering why I learnt the spell in the first place? Well, forbidden or not, in the past I had a feeling I would need it. It is forbidden to use the spell; it is not forbidden to learn it.

A spell such as The Blood Magic Spell was very powerful and is the only spell that can bring someone back from the dead; within a certain time that is. Usually, it only works within a five-minute time constraint. I wasn't sure whether Calliria had passed five minutes into her death which is why I made Corinne aware of the fact that there was a high chance the spell wouldn't work at all. I wanted to be positive about it but I didn't want to give her false hope in the process. She was hurting enough as it was and I didn't want to add fuel to the flames.

As I had used the forbidden spell, I was arrested immediately after. I went willingly because there was no way I could deny using it. Like I said, the power it held was strong and the King and Queen had a way of sensing power such as that. They had obviously sensed me using the spell which inevitably led to my arrest.

I wasn't even sure if the spell worked or not. When used, the spell places a protective barrier around those who it was used on, to make sure they were protected from any harm. Calliria was already dead but in order for the spell to have any chance of working, Corinne had to die for a few moments as well to reconnect their souls. Hence the protective barrier, making sure nothing interfered with the process. Once the barrier is made, everything after that point is out of my hands.

My arrest came immediately after the barrier was made. I never got to see whether the spell had worked before I was dragged off by the guards. I did send a prayer to the Goddess as I was dragged off though, praying that the spell had in fact worked.

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