Chapter 9

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The next day

Corinne's POV

It was the morning after the night before and I think it's safe to say I'm exhausted. By the end of the night, Callie dominated everything. She called it, her revenge. I can rightly say that the role-play was a complete success and we most definitely will be doing that again, in the very near future.

I removed Callie's arm from around my waist, making her growl in her sleep. She was too cute. I put on my dressing gown so that I could go check on Corey. It was still pretty early in the morning so he should be asleep.

I walked out of the bedroom and went into Corey's, which was three doors down from ours. Mine and Callie's room was soundproof anyway so we didn't have to worry about anyone hearing us.

I quietly opened his door and smiled. He was curled up in his covers holding his favourite toy; a wolf. Ironic really. I remember when me and Callie took him to the toy store, the very first week he came here so we could get a few toys for his room. He immediately ran to the wolf toy and wouldn't let it go. Callie could've bought him the whole store if he wanted it but he was so infatuated with that one wolf, he didn't want anything else after that. It was cute.

I quietly closed his door before turning around and walking downstairs towards the kitchen. I was wide awake now and I wanted to make some breakfast. Usually Marco was up at this time and always insisted on making breakfast for me but I'm putting my foot down today. Cooking was one of my passions and I've never really had the opportunity to do that here, due to the amount of chefs wanting to do it for me.

They say that as a Queen, I shouldn't have to cook for myself. I disagree. I wasn't born a royal and even if I was, I like to do things for myself, especially cooking.

I walked into the kitchen and sure enough, Marco was sitting at the table. He immediately stood up and bowed to me,

"Good morning Queen Corinne. What would you like for breakfast?"

I smiled at him, "Good morning Marco. I would like to make my own breakfast this morning."

He looked at me confused, "We are here to serve you your majesty, that is our job. Queen Calliria would not be impressed if she found out I let you make your own breakfast."

"Is Queen Calliria your only Queen?" I asked, making him shake his head,

"No, but-"

I raised a hand to cut him off, "But nothing. I am also your Queen and as your Queen I am ordering you to take the day off."

"The day off?" He asked me shocked and I nodded my head,

"Indeed. Spend time with your family. Go horse riding, rock climbing, bowling, whatever it is you like to do, go and do it. I will see you again tomorrow morning. Don't make me catch you in this kitchen today Marco. You are dismissed."

He smiled and bowed, "Thank you your majesty, I don't know how I can show my gratitude."

I smiled, "Go and enjoy your day off. That is how you can show me."

He nodded and bowed again before walking out of the kitchen. I then proceeded to get everything out to prepare a fry-up.

I was halfway through cooking when Callie walked into the room, roughly half an hour after I left her in bed.

She walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, kissing the side of my neck gently,

"Good morning my love."

I smiled and leant into her slightly, "Good morning. Did you sleep okay?"

"I slept great. Until I woke up and saw you wasn't beside me. Where is Marco?" She asked, moving away from me so she could sit at the table,

The Queen (GXG) (Lesbian Story) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now