Chapter Two: A Touch of Silver

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My throat felt drier than it had ever felt in my life, as if I had dragged my body through the desert without a drop of water. I could hear a faint buzzing sound of the florescent light overhead but other than that it seemed quiet. It was like the worst hangover a person could have, my senses seemed sensitive but my mind was too foggy to interpret all the information they were feeding me. I swallowed trying to wet my parched throat as I forced my heavy lids to open.

"I think she's waking up. Someone hurry up and get in here!" A familiar voice whisper-yelled into the quiet. I frowned, "Where am I?" my voice sounded like someone had taken sandpaper to my voice box. My vision was a bit blurry and I blinked in quick succession to focus my vision. A female with pink hair shaped into a pixie cut stood beside my bed, tinkering with some equipment. She gave me a strained smile, "Hello...Uh—I'm Libra—the pack doctor..."

Her anxiety assaulted my senses and I gritted my teeth in annoyance, "Libra? Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you—even if I wanted too, I couldn't. I'm a little indisposed at the moment as you can see." I lift one of my hands and gesture toward my body with strain. Her brown eyes moved over my body and she relaxed slightly. Letting out a nervous giggle, "Of course. I knew that..."

I let my eyes scan around the room, "What pack is this?" Hopefully it wasn't any that were in league with my uncle. I felt my nerves surge at the thought but as long as they didn't know my connection to him than I'm sure I would be fine.

"Oh—uh—We're a new one. Too small really to be known of I'm sure." Libra dismisses with another round of nervous giggling.

"I see." My uncle would never make an alliance with a pack of low standing, so for the moment it seemed I was safe. I try to push myself up but groan when a sharp pain rushes through my side. Libra's hand is suddenly pressing me back down into the bed, "You should try to avoid movement for a little while. You sustained a lot of wounds some of which were more serious than others. Like that silver bullet—and thanks to whatever strain of wolfsbane you ingested your healing abilities have been dampened. Until it's completely worked out of your system you'll have to deal with the average healing abilities of your human body."

I grit my teeth together in frustration, "Damn hunters." I had been making good time on getting back to my pack but thanks to them I was now going to have to rethink my approach. My uncle would surely know for certain that I was coming for him and he would have time to prepare. Time that I hadn't wanted to give him.

The door to the room opened and the young girl from the clearing came rushing in her doe eyes fixating on me. I stared back at her in surprise as she cracked the biggest smile I think anyone has ever given me, "Oh thank god you're alive!" She practically sang and all I could do was stare in light confusion. She started to close the distance between us but was stopped when a pair of large arms attached to an even larger male wrapped around her, "Bunny! You have to stop running off like that. I'm seriously thinking of chaining you to my side..." I recognized the voice a one of the people who had helped rescue me.

Bunny frowned and let her shoulders sag, "But I only wanted to see her." She whined.

The male placed Bunny back down on the ground turning her to face him, "Well next time just tell me before you decide to take off. I would have come with you."

"I don't need you to go everywhere with me Marshall. I'm a big girl if you hadn't noticed..." She announces with a little bit more confidence. Marshall removes one of his hands and runs it through his hair, "Oh trust me—I've noticed..." He mumbles with a tone that makes me want to crack a smile. His reaction to her made me believe that they must be mates or something.

Another male comes rushing through the door. He isn't as large as Marshall. In fact he is on the leaner side of the spectrum but you can see from looking at him that he's probably a lot stronger than he appears at first glance. He is wearing an anxious expression, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but—"

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