Chapter Six: Uncontrollable Urges

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I had all of Silver's attention as he shifted his body closer to me, "So what should we do now Grace? I don't really desire to fight my own mate but if you don't back down then I won't have much of a choice. I am the alpha in this house after all, I can't have disrespect even if it is from my own mate."

I shifted my body away from him, "I'm not trying to disrespect you. I am only saying certain details about my life are off limits and I don't wish to revisit them. Anything that may effect you or this pack I am more than willing to discuss." I tried to be diplomatic knowing that no matter how strong my wolf was—It wouldn't be in my best interest to fight with Silver. His eyes narrowed but the tension in his body relaxed and so did the stifling energy in the room, "Alright, we'll do things your way—I am after all a reasonable guy."

I relaxed a bit though I was still ready to fight in case he decided to not be so reasonable, "I appreciate that." He just nods his head and then motions for me to take a seat on the couch. I awkwardly make my way over to it and sit on the edge of the cushion. As I meet his gaze again it looks as though he is trying to suppress his own amusement, "Do you not spend a lot of time relaxing Grace?"

I furrow my brows, "What? Why do you ask that?" I look down at myself for a moment before looking back to him, "Am I doing something weird?" I bit the inside of my cheek as my insecurities seem to swell. Silver strutted towards the couch and plopped down next to me, throwing his arms back and letting out a deep sigh. I could feel the heat of his body radiating into mine and it launched another butterfly assault in my stomach. I cleared my throat and tried to create more space between us. He glanced over at me still suppressing a smile, "I'm not going to bite you Grace. Relax—" 

"Even if you tried, all you'd get would be a taste of my fist." I replied quickly and this made him let out a hearty chuckle. Heat rushed to my face as he smiled at me no longer trying to hold back his amusement, "You did get me pretty good—it's been a while since someone got the upper hand on me, I'll give you that." His hand stretched forward and his fingers lightly brushed the skin of my arm. I gasped a little at the electric warmth that raced through me but he didn't seem effected by it at all. 

"So, let's chat—Tell me about the hunters and why they were chasing you." His green eyes seem to sparkle with intelligence. I ease my body toward the arm rest to gain even more space between us, "The were trying to kill me—"

"Yes, I gathered that. Why were they trying to kill you?" 

 I took a moment to think about my answer. I didn't want to bring him in to deep to my past but some things were relevant and might effect him and his pack. With a heavy sigh, "My uncle, he wants me dead—has wanted me dead for a while. I suspect that he hired the hunters to track me down and kill me. To save himself the trouble of getting his hands dirty." Silver let out a low rumble and I looked towards him with a lifted brow. He was staring at me with dark eyes, "This is the uncle you want to challenge for alpha titles?"

I nod my head slightly and looked down to my lap, "The very same—though I shouldn't even have to challenge him. The pack is mine by birth right but he stole that from me." I could feel the darkness creeping back in and my wolf was pressing against my skin wanting to rip through the flesh of the traitor—to make him pay for his betrayal.

A warm hand caught my arm and I gave a warning growl as I lifted my gaze quickly only to relax quickly when I remembered where I was and who was touching me. I pulled my arm free and pushed up off the couch needing more space, "Sorry—" I grit out slightly embarrassed by my reaction. 

"Its fine Grace. You're not the first woman to growl at me..." He teases probably trying to lessen the tension in the room but his words only cause my wolf to bristle up. I clench my hands into fists at my sides, "Not helping—" I say through my teeth. He lets out an awkward chuckle, "Right..."

He pushes up off the couch and I look up toward him. I am once again taken in by his aura of dominance. He doesn't even have to try it just seems to cloud the world around him, even when he looks completely at ease. I watch as he closes the distance between us a gleam of mischief in his eyes, "So tell me then, how can I help you relax Grace?"

My eyes open wider and I feel my temperature rise, "Uh—its fine, I'm fine—don't worry about it..." I stumble through my response as I take a cautious step back but that doesn't seem to dissuade him. If anything I would say that my clear distress over the turn of the conversation was only making him and his wolf more excited. He smirks at me flashing his white teeth and a set of dimples I hadn't noticed, "Are you sure? You look like you might need a little help de-stressing and what kind of mate would I be if I didn't try to help you?"

I swallowed hard and tried to wet my suddenly dry mouth, "Well, since there isn't any mark or anything—I'd say it's not really your problem. I've got it handled. I can handle myself..." His eyes became darker as they skimmed over my face and down the column of my throat to my shoulder. A low growl left his lips as he met my gaze again and I knew that the wolf was in control. I cursed the situation as my own wolf seemed to be clawing under my skin for me to release her. The urge to let him mark me and to mark him was overriding everything else the closer he got to me. 

"Silver, listen to me. You don't want to mark me—"

"Don't tell me what I want!" He snaps flashing me his canines. I should have been more concerned but my wolf seemed to turn into a pile of mush at the display of his dominance. I clenched my teeth together and took step back which caused him to narrow his eyes and growl again. My body froze, "We just met—perhaps we should get to know each other a little better. I'm not ready to spend forever with someone I don't know or even trust." I hope my words will reach him because I'm barely hanging onto my own sanity. He might be who the moon goddess destined me to be with but it didn't mean now was the right time or that I was ready for it. 

The space between us was gone and he reached out for me, grabbing the back of my head and forcing me to look up at him. I was practically hyperventilating as I tried to remain in control of myself, "Please...Silver..." I whimpered at him but I wasn't sure if I was telling him to stop anymore or if I was telling him to finish the deed. He stared down at me for a silent moment and I watched as his eyes began to turn back to green. I sagged into him with relief, accepting the warmth of his body into my own.

His hold on me relaxed and gently he stroked my head, weaving his fingers through my hair, "Sorry If I frightened you. I'll try to control myself better in the future—" 

I pulled back a bit so that I could look up at him as if awaiting my movement his lips caught mine in surprise. My eyes opened wide in surprise and my wolf surged forward with excitement. His lips were soft and warm against mine and as quickly as they met they were separated. I stared at him in shock and he gave me a smug smile, "I could get used to that look on your face—You're so amusing, my little mate." He steps away from me. 

I reached up and touched my lips still shocked by the kiss, my first kiss. He shook his head and chuckled, "I hope you feel more relaxed now. You should probably get some sleep, it seems like you've have a very eventful day. We can finish this talk once you're feeling rested." He turns away from me and walks towards the exit of the room, "Oh, you're welcome to stay as long as you want—just remember that I'm the alpha in these parts." With those parting words he left me once again as If he had never even been there. I wasn't sure what to think about Silver—he was a bundle of contradictions. He claimed to be alpha but yet he claimed not to be. He seemed to want me but he also seemed to want to keep away from me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be mated to someone like that, someone full of secrets.

Still, the feeling of his lips against mine lingered long after he was gone. 


song: 'Nirvana'- Sam Smith 

A/N: Hmmm... Bet you weren't expecting things to turn around like that :P Had to give #Sace a tiny moment. Understand that they are both Dominant wolves--which means there urges to mate and mark are that much stronger. Even if they don't know each other or even like each other they are going to be fighting hard against there instincts. 

What do we think about Silver? Do we think perhaps he is hiding something? I mean it's clear he's not a complete jerk--Maybe Grace will have him singing a new tune soon. We'll just have to see. :P 

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