Chapter Seventeen: Terrors in The Night

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I opened my eyes and I was laying on the hard concrete floor. My body sprung up quickly as I looked around me frantically. I was back in my cage, I was back in that place.

"No. No. No." I lifted my hands and pulled at my hair anxiously as I spun around looking for an exit but finding nothing. I raced toward the clear wall and bang my fist against, "Let me out! Let me out!" I bellowed as I continued to pound my hand against, causing it to shake and rattle. 

"You'll never get out of here love." A familiar voice taunted me. I spun around to see Kellen leaning leisurely against the wall staring at me with a wicked grin. There was a gaping hole in his throat where I had ripped him open, blood pouring from the wound. My eyes widened in horror and I pressed my back into the wall, "You're dead. I killed you..." I mumbled.

"Am I?" He questioned faintly as he disappeared before my eyes like a cloud of mist, evaporating into nothingness. My heart hammered in my chest as I tried to force myself to remain calm. 

"OPEN YOUR EYES!" His voice boomed in my ears making my body vibrate with fear. My eyes snapped open and I was no longer standing in my cell. I was standing in my childhood home staring down at the dead bodies of my parents laying in pools of blood. I scrambled back away from them with a loud sob. 

Strong hands caught my shoulders from behind, gripping them tightly. I screamed as I tried to pull away from my captor but they seemed to have an unbreakable strength, "Look at them Grace." I shook my head and closed my eyes as tiny sobs passed through my lips. The fingers dug into my skin painfully, "I said look at them!" The voice hissed venomously. I cringed but slowly opened my eyes, my body trembling like a leaf in the wind. 

"They're dead and it's all your fault Grace." Kellen pressed his lips to my ear.

"No—" I replied weakly, shaking my head.

"Yes Grace—They're dead because of you. You couldn't save them and you couldn't save yourself. You want to know why?" I felt my body sagging under the weight of his words as I stared at my parents.

"Because you're weak. Poor little Grace. You're a pathetic excuse for an alpha but don't worry I'll make you stronger. I'll rebuild you in my image. When I'm done with you people will quake at the sight of you..."His lips traced the line of ear to my jaw and I shivered in disgust. I wanted to kill him—rip him apart.

"NO!" I shouted pulling myself free from his hold. I stumbled forward and hit the ground. Pain raced through my veins as I rolled onto my back. I was staring up at a crowd of red eyes and sinister smiles full of sharp teeth. Clawed hands were reaching out towards me, gripping and tearing through my flesh as I tried to escape them. They were pulling me apart and no matter how hard I fought, I couldn't escape. 

I thrashed back and forth wildly as my mouth hung open in a silent plea for mercy. The numbness began to seep in through my limbs and I knew I was dying—I couldn't feel the pain anymore even if I could feel them pulling and tugging at me. Darkness was creeping in around the edges, growing closer and closer.

"Grace..." Kellen called to me from the shadows, "Poor weak pathetic Grace..." 

"Go to hell you son of a bitch—" I coughed weakly. Suddenly his face hovered over mine with a wild crazed look in his eyes as he stared down at me, "This is hell Grace!" He screamed in my face. His ghostly hand reached down into my chest and grabbed my heart. An earth shattering scream tore from my mouth and he laughed wickedly, "I'll drag you down with me if I have too—I made you after all! You belong to me!" 

I woke up screaming and thrashing in my bed, some invisible force was holding me down. I needed to get free—I needed to save myself.

"Grace!" A deep voice yelled to me, "Grace! It's only a dream!"

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