Chapter Thirty-Six: The Things We've Lost

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*Sexual Content. You've been warned*

The battle hadn't lasted much longer, we had been able to drive the hunters back into whatever hole they had crawled out of. Most of the hunters that had entered our cave had died and those that escaped would most likely be hunted down. I had been taken to a room that soon began to fill up with the wounded, some worse off then others. 

I had seen that Leo was carried in by Lennicks with Libra trailing behind them. He was alive but barely--he was clinging to life by a thin thread. Bunny explained that the arrow that had pierced his chest had  missed his heart but had pierced his lung. Libra was doing everything in her power to save her brother but only the goddess knew at this point if he would make it through the night. 

My heart felt numb as I looked around the room at all the faces. Even after someone had taken care of my wounds--I couldn't seem to snap out of my haze. I just kept seeing Valerie's face as she was shot. Silver had yet to appear, according to Marshall he was helping the men take care of the dead. Personally I felt that he wanted to be alone with his thoughts after all he had lost someone who had been with him for a long time. 

Our dead were being gathered and put together so that we could burn the bodies. We wanted to honor them and send them back to the moon goddess the way a warrior should be sent. The bodies of the dead hunters were being discarded deep within the forest they would get no proper burial from us. They could rot and become food for the birds.

I stood silent beside Marshall and Bunny. They had tried to get me to stay in the medical bay with Libra and Lennicks but I wouldn't have it. I didn't care if my body screamed at me for standing up. I an alpha and I was going to be with the pack as they burned our dead. I watched as caught my first glimpse of Silver in hours. He carried Valerie's body to the pile. He laid her gently with the others, running his hand over her face before he stepped back. Noah gave him a pat on the shoulder as he passed him to stand with the remaining men that brought with him.

Kale stepped forward with Koda moving in sync with him, holding an unlit torch in his hand. He approached the small fire the men had created to use as light as they had worked. He stood silently before us all for a moment. I could see the worn expression on his face, as face that had seen too much death.

"We have all lost things in our pursuit for a better tomorrow. There are those who wish to see us fail. Who wish for us to be ground down to dust beneath their feet. Those who ordered the attack tonight are men with no honor—they are afraid. Afraid of what we represent, of what we will bring to their doorstep." His voice carried on the nightly winds surrounding us all with conviction and power.

Kale took the unlit torch from Koda and dipped it into the fire, "Our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers—they deserve to live in a world where they do not have be afraid. And as we fight tomorrow remember the sacrifices the others have made for our dream of a better tomorrow. If our bodies must be burned as well in the pursuit so be it—" He turned his back to us and faced our dead.

"May your souls find eternal peace with the goddess. Watch over us from above." He walked along the pile with the torch making sure that it caught fire. Silver came and stood beside me. His hand reached out and grabbed mine in a tight grip. I gave his hand a gentle squeeze as we all watched the flames moves and dance, higher and higher. A single mournful howl was thrown into night, followed by another. Led by the instinct of old, soon we were all throwing our heads back toward the moon above and howling. The sound was beautiful and heart breaking, and exactly what our friends deserved. 

Several hours later,  Silver and I stood silently in the small space that had been given to us. Neither of us had spoken much since the burning. My body still ached from the attack but once the bullets had been removed my body had begun the healing process with ease. I peeked over at Silver, "I'm scared..."

His green eyes met mine with a depth I had never seen before. He didn't speak but I knew he was waiting for me to say more. I wrapped my arms around my waist, "I've lost so much and today is another reminder—I don't want to lose anymore." I swallow hard against the lump forming in my throat, "I love you Silver. I don't want to lose you..." 

Silver moved quickly across the small space and gathered me up into his arm as he smashed his lips into mine. The kiss was desperate and hungry. I clung to him as whimpers of need escaped me. I needed Silver more then anything in that moment. I needed to feel that he was alive. I needed to feel the comfort only he could offer my broken heart. 

Our hands clawed at each others clothes, ripping and tearing at the fabric. Our need for each other far out weighing any other thoughts. Silver's hands worked at the elastic band of the sweats I had been given. He pulled them down swiftly, before he broke away from our hungry kiss for a breath. His eyes roamed over me as he panted, "Take it off—now. All of it." 

His hands moved to his own shirt and pulled it quickly over his head, throwing it to the side. I watched for a moment before I peeled my own shirt off and then slipped out of my underwear. I stood completely bare before him but instead of feeling embarrassed I felt alive. He released a hungry growl before he dropped his sweats, revealing his very aroused body to me. 

I only had a moment to examine him before he lifted me up into his arm and claimed my mouth again. I gasped at the feeling of our naked skin pressed together. The electric shocks sent fire racing through my veins and straight to my lower region. I wrapped my legs around his waist, rubbing our sensitive flesh together. He hissed into my mouth before biting down on my lip hard enough for me to taste blood but he licked away the sting. 

I found myself caught between the cave wall and Silver's body. The mixture of cold and hot caused delicious sensations over my body. Silver positioned himself at my entrance, "Can't wait any longer..." He moaned into my mouth as he tried to control himself.

"Don't want to wait...I want you. Now." I kissed him hard to drive the point home.  

Our bodies came together in a quick thrust of his hips. I gasped as he released a heady groan. I could feel our bond like a cord pulling our souls closer together. With every movement of our bodies, the cord pulled tighter. I threw my head back and gave myself over completely to the sensation of being joined with my mate.

"I love you Grace—" Silver said deep thrust, his face cradled in the crook of my neck, "I love you so much." His voice was strained and desperate as he continue to coach us forward. My palms were pressed to his shoulders, my nails digging into his flesh as I held onto him for dear life. I could feel wetness on my face and taste salt on my parted lips. I knew I must be crying, "I love you Silver. I need you."  

I arched my back and drove him deeper into my body. I locked my ankles together around his waist ready to ride him into oblivion if it meant we could be together forever. He answered my bodies call to his because his movements because harsher and quicker. I could feel something building between us, as if we were creating our own fire. A fire that was threatening to spark and burn us to ash.

"Silver I—" My words caught in my throat as the world exploded around me, and I blew away in tiny pieces. Silver gave on last thrust and cried out my name as he pressed us harder into the cave wall. His forehead dropped to my shoulder and I could feel his heavy pants as they danced over my heated skin. My body relaxed into Silver and all the pain and heartache I had felt earlier was forgotten for a moment. I wasn't afraid about what would come tomorrow. Instead I basked in the loved shared between Silver and I. Having lived so long in the darkness to taste the light for even a second was like being carried into heaven.

A heaven just for Silver and I. 


Song: I see Fire--Ed Sheeran 

A/N: Yes I know that chapter was a little depressing but It's exactly what I imagine things would be like in these situations. I know that Silver and Grace mating probably seemed odd and not as cheery and romantic as you imagined it would be. But I think it goes beautifully with there whole story. They've just been forced to realize first hand that they could lose each other and with the battle coming there is no promises. 

So they are loving each other as if it's the last and only time they may ever get to. Sure it's bittersweet but it's perfect in my eyes. 

Anyway...on to battle... 

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