Chapter Nineteen: It's a Family Affair

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Silver P.O.V

 Every step that took me further from Grace was like someone was tightening a vice around my heart. I feared that soon that it would stop beating all together and that would be an act of mercy after what I had done by leaving her. Valerie had remained silent beside me the entire way home not venturing to tempt the beast that was so close to the surface. As it was my head was throbbing from trying to main control over him because all he wanted to do was carry us back to Grace and kill anything and anyone who thought to get in the way.

I had avoided talking to anyone since we had returned to the main house. I'd been hiding out in my old quarters but my time to hide was over. I pushed into the dining hall after I had been requested by one of my fathers men to join the family for dinner. 

"I see that you've chosen to return of your own free will, pity." Lennicks remarked with his usual carefree manner as he looked up quickly from where he sat at the table before looking back down in boredom. I glared at him wanting nothing more than to paint the room with his blood, "Yes—well it seemed like you all were pretty useless without me, so here I am." I reply flatly. Valerie remained silent at my side with her eyes focused on the ground as was expected in the presence of royal blood. Lennicks leaned back in his seat, "How was your little pet when you left? Did she cry?" I clenched my jaw tightly but kept my mouth shut tight.

Twirling the dinner fork between his fingers, "Too bad you didn't bring her with you. I would have loved to sample a taste of her. Of course after you were done brother..." He taunted with a smirk without looking towards me.

I couldn't stop myself from reacting. I leaned across the table and snatched him up by the collar of his shirt ready to beat the living shit out of him, "Mention her again, I dare you."I could see the fear flicker through his eyes for a moment.

"Silver put Lennicks down." My oldest brother Remus commands as he comes into the dining room. I let out a growl of frustration before I drop him back down in his seat. I turn my attention toward Remus to see that he is exactly as I remembered him. He is the tallest out of us and the most graceful. His face doesn't give anything away in the realm of emotions, I'm not entirely sure he even has feelings. His shield trailed behind him silently, pulling out the chair near the head of the table for Remus. 

"So lovely to see you made it out of the library dear brother..." Lennicks remarks sarcastically to Remus. He takes a seat only regarding Lennicks with a small glance before focusing his attention elsewhere in the room.

"God this is bound to be a boring dinner if Remus is here—" Illyiana's voice carries over the silence and I glance over my shoulder to see her entering the room with my third eldest brother. The one who had always bore a special hatred for me. His eyes zeroed in on me, "If it isn't the prodigal son returned. Oh happy day!" He clapped his hands together dramatically though his tone of voice was hostile. 

"Constantine..." I spit out his name like a curse and he gave me a wicked grin in response. Valerie took a step closer to me as if assessing the possibly of a fight breaking out between the two of us. At this point I couldn't fault her with my wolf so unsettled by the fact that I had left our mate behind completely unprotected while hunters were after her. I gritted my teeth and clenched my hands tightly into fists at my side. 

Valerie reached out and grabbed a hold of my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze of understanding. I yanked my hand out of her touch before pulling out my own chair and taking a seat. Illyiana excitedly took a seat beside me, "I'm so glad you are back Silver. It was incredibly boring without you—Constantine isn't nearly as fun." She whines as she pouts her lips in my direction.

"What she means is, life isn't nearly exciting without you losing control of your wolf and trying to murder half the royal guard every couple of weeks." Constantine comments as he takes a seat next to Lennicks. I shift in my seat trying to ignore the urge to shift and rip my family apart. Lennicks peers up at me with a grin as if knows all to well what I am feeling. Amongst all my siblings he is the one who has the most awareness when it comes to me and my wolf.

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