Chapter Eleven: Spirit of Vengeance

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Silver P.O.V

She was utterly breathtaking, the way she had held her ground with an unshakeable force as she stared down her enemies. In her eyes I had seen my future, the release from all of my past demons—a chance at redemption. I wanted her more than I had ever thought I could want anything but I knew that if I were to take her it would eventually destroy her. Our worlds were too different and my family would not stop until she was buried six feet under.

For once in my life I would do the selfless thing, I would let her go. I couldn't—wouldn't reject her but I could ensure that she lived a happy and full life like she deserved by not marking her as mine.

My wolf rose within me at that though snarling like the ravenous beast that he was, MINE!

My body trembled as he pushed against the mental block I had built to keep him at bay. He was no wolf in my mind but a monster far too destructive to be released into the world, nothing good had ever come from him. My father had told me I was blessed by the moon goddess. That she had gifted me with the spirit of the great wolf god. Gifted? Blessed? More like cursed to share my mind and body with a demon from the pits of hell itself.

My brothers had all been jealous the way that our father had treated me growing up. They knew that my father would have given me his crown if he could have but I was not first born and I was also his bastard child. My mother had not been his chosen mate, just a common pureblood who had bewitched the king with her beauty as the story went. Years later I had discovered the truth of my birth, the king had been bewitched by her beauty and he had taken what was meant for another man.

My mother fell pregnant and tried to rip me from her womb but was unsuccessful in her attempt to kill me. The king had her locked up until it came time to birth me because he knew  would be the last of his bloodline since his mate was now barren. The woman who helped my mother bring me into the world said that my mother had held me with tears in her eyes and repented her attempt to harm me. When the king came for us she said that I would be her vengeance for what he'd done to her—that I would destroy him and named me Silver, rightfully so.

Vengeance was exactly what I would call the beast that lived within me. He had made his presence known at a young age. I had shifted for the first time when I was five, even for a pureblood that quite the feat. My wolf was violent and the urges he gave me were violent—except when I saw her. Grace. Somehow the beast had stilled at the sight of her and that had shocked me because he'd never stilled not once since the he made himself known to me. 

The sound of a twig snapping in the distance pulled me from my thoughts. I let my sensitive hearing become more attuned to the world around me as I searched for the cause of the sound. A strange prickling feeling crawled over my skin, a sign that something was wrong. I knew that I was not alone anymore, something or someone was stalking through the shadows of the trees. 

To confirm this belief the someone in question decided to launch a silver tipped dagger at me. I dodged it as it embedded itself with accuracy into the tree a couple of feet behind me. The sound the impact shuddered through the silence of the darkening woods. I turned my attention towards the shadows it had materialized out of slitting my eyes. A feminine giggle carried itself to me on the evening breeze, "Come on wolfie—let's play..." 

I made no attempt to move from my spot as I tried to stretch my senses out. If there was one hunter out here than there had to be others—Grace had told me that it had been hunters that had attacked her not just one.

"You're no fun—" I could hear the pout in her tone, "My sister told me your girlfriend was a lot of fun—guess I'll just have to wait until they catch her to play." My wolf battered against the block in my mind causing a sweat to break out of my forehead. I let out a low growl, "You touch her and I'll make you wish you were dead by the time I'm done with you hunter." 

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