Chapter Thirty: The Welcoming Committee

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My body screamed at me to stop moving and find relief for my stinging wounds. We had been wondering through the wilderness for what seemed like ages. Looking out on the scenery around us it didn't appear as though there was an end to it. We were surrounded-no, more like drowning in a sea of trees. Silver and I kept ourselves posted at the back of the pack. For myself it was because I couldn't get my bad leg to move me at consistent speed without causing me trouble. For Silver I imagined it was his need to make sure he could keep his watchful eyes on everyone in his pack.

Lennicks was still posted at the head of the group, guiding us through the strange labyrinth. Ever so often he would glance back over his shoulder at everyone to make sure we were all still there. Though I felt his eyes were focused on one particular member more than the others but I kept my mouth shut about it.

I gritted my teeth against the pain in my leg when my foot caught on a fallen branch that had me tripping up. Libra cast a quick look over her shoulder to me, her eyes zeroing in on my leg. I placed my hand over the wound and shot her with a reassuring smile not wanting to draw unnecessary attention my way from the others. She pursed her lips but turned away. It was barely a scratch and out of everyone Marshall was the one everyone should be concerned over.

Marshall was squeezed between Bunny and Valerie who were helping him along. I couldn't see his face but from the tension in his back I knew he was struggling. I had no idea what was wrong with him but assumed some of his rips must be broken by the way he took shallow breaths. I felt guilt swell up in my chest like geyser ready to burst. Silver brushed himself against me and I let my hand brush against his soft fur. The brief connection eased the darkness that was trying to seep back into my mind.

"How much further is this place? Are you sure you know where your going?" Leo broke the silence that had developed over the past couple of hours. Lennicks ears flattened against his head and he threw a look in Leo's direction along with a growl before speeding up his steps. Leo crossed his arms over his naked chest and glared daggers into the back of Lennicks head.

"I would also like to know how much further-" Bunny speaks up sounding a bit strained, "Perhaps we can rest for a moment?"

Silver let out a low whine beside me and I chanced a brief look at him. I could tell he wanted help his pack but he also knew as I did that resting wasn't an option. We had to put as much distance between us and the Monarch as fast as possible. The only way of guaranteeing everyone safety was for us to get ourselves to the rebels.

"Everybody stop!" I yelled. The group faltered in there steps and cast wary looks in my direction. Lennicks let out a growl of irritation but I ignored him, "I think it would be best if we put Marshall on Silvers back-"

Marshall turned himself toward me, "I'm fine-"

"No, you're not! Now stop acting like an idiot. I can't go on much longer like this Marshall and neither can you. You are practically killing yourself-" Bunny's voice breaks a bit at the end and I can tell that all her worry for her mates well being has brought her to the breaking point. Marshall stared down at her silently before he heaved a sigh, "Okay, okay..."

Bunny lets out a tiny sob of relief before burrowing herself into Marshall's side. I watch him wince but he held back any other display of how much pain he's in. I walked towards them with Silver following beside me, "I hope you don't mind me offering you up like this." His ears wiggled back and forth, which I take that as I sign that he didn't mind.

It takes us a couple minutes but we finally get Marshall situated on Silvers back. I can see the look of relief in Marshall's face as he eases himself forward and gets a firm grip of fur. I give Silver a pat on the shoulder, "Alright, now that we've taken care of that... let's get this show back on the road!"

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