Chapter Thirty-One: The Alpha's Arrangement

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Kale stood across the small cave leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, staring into nothingness. I sat next to Silver one soft pillows after having spent the past few hours being fed and cleaning up from the fight. I cleared my throat and tucked some hair behind my ear, "I imagine you didn't want me to come here so we could enjoy each others company." I prompt tired of sitting in silence.

Kale turned his gaze towards me. The intensity of his gaze made me feel more exposed then when I first met Silver. I shifted on my pillow trying to keep myself from being intimidated. Kale pushed off the wall, "I wager that your father would be mighty proud of the way you've turned out. You never back down even when you probably should..." Kale lowered himself to the ground, taking a seat across from us.

"When you spend years thinking everyday is the day you're going to die, it becomes a habit not easily broken." I reply with a shrug of my shoulders.

Kale frown at my words but inclined his head in acknowledgment of their truth. His gaze drifted over to Silver in a skeptical way, sizing him up. I noticed Silver's posture stiffen out of the corner of my eye. He naturally felt the need to assert his dominance, it was an instinctual habit for all alpha's and I assumed for Silver it was more so considering he born from royal blood. It didn't make much of a difference to me but I'm sure it meant something to others. Kale smirked as if amused by Silver reaction, "You've got guts kid—I'll give you that."

"I like to think so..." Silver replies dryly which makes Kale snort a bit. 

"Are you two done with your pissing contest? Or should I leave?" I questioned with a lifted brow. Both of them were silent for a moment. Kale turned his attention back to me ignoring my previous comment, "I'm sure you've probably got a lot of questions for me..." 

"Sure but I think the most important one is what exactly do you expect from me alpha Kale?"

Kale reached up and rubbed his chin in a thoughtful manner, "You get right to the point don't you—"

"I don't see a reason why we should waste each other time. You clearly wanted something from me or else you wouldn't have made a deal like you did with someone you clearly hate. Especially when you had no evidence that I was who he claimed me to be..." I might have had a lot of questions about my fathers unknown life but that could wait until later. Right now we were on the verge of war and I needed to deal with that. 

"Alright... This whole rebellion was your father's idea from the get go. The rest of us followed his lead because we trusted his judgement implicitly. After he was killed—it was long before we realized that it was assassination and that they would be coming for the rest of us. I want you to lead the rebellion alongside me--take your fathers place."

I knew first hand about the betrayal my father had faced by someone he had trusted but I wasn't about to race head long into something I didn't understand, "And what of the others?"

"I'm the only one left." He said with a strained voice, "Your father, my brother and my best friend all died under the monarchs command. I would be dead if it wasn't for the small pack that had occupied this mountain." My eyes focused in on the scar on his face knowing it was probably a result of the attempt made on his life.

"I guess I should count myself lucky to be alive as well..."

Kale gave a small smile, "That you should little alpha." He teased slightly and I smiled back feeling myself relax. There was something about him that reminded me of my father.

Silver leaned his body towards me, brushing our shoulders together. I leaned into him relishing in the brief contact, "How did it even escalate to this?" He sounded genuinely interested in understanding what had happened.

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