Chapter Seven: Panic Attack

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 When I woke up the next day I found out that Silver and Valerie were both gone and would be gone for the next couple of days. I sat down on the couch next to Libra who was braiding Bunny's hair, "Is this something they normally do?" I can't help but be curious about my mate and my wolf wasn't to happy that he'd run off again. Libra tilts her head toward me nodding, "If we were a larger pack than they wouldn't have to but considering how things are there isn't much of a choice. They have to go on scouting parties to make sure that everything is still safe for us to stay here, and thanks to those hunters they seemed even more on edge about it this time."

I pulled my lip between my teeth nibbling on it, "I'm sorry about that. I wasn't trying to cause any trouble for you guys..." Bunny reaches back and pats my leg gently, "You're not causing trouble. Well not anymore than the rest of us have caused." She reassures me and I can't help but smile at the back of her head. Libra snorts a bit, "Yeah, I remember when Bunny showed up. You think you're causing trouble for us—" Bunny smacks Libra's leg playfully.

"Don't tease her about that Lib." Marshall's voice comes from the entryway. I turn my gaze towards him to see a serious scowl on his face. He comes into the room looking towards Bunny as if to make sure that she is still in tact.

She let's out a small sigh before meeting his gaze, "Marshall, I told you that you don't have to coddle me. I'm not a baby—I'm not going to break over a little teasing. Plus she's right. I did cause quite a bit of trouble when I showed up." She shrugs her shoulders a bit as if to show that she didn't mind. I however couldn't understand Marshall's behavior towards her, she was pretty sensitive from what I had witnessed.

"There! All done!" Libra pats Bunny on her shoulders. Bunny reaches back and smooths her hand over the braid before turning around to look at her friend with a bright smile, "Thank you Lib."

Libra waved her hand and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah—" 

Bunny got up off the ground and moved to Marshall who quickly pulled her to his side throwing and arm around her shoulders. He looked down at her with a smile and tugged on the braid playfully, "You look beautiful today mate, though you always look beautiful of course." He leaned down and planted a kiss on the top of her head. She blushed a deep cherry red and pushed Marshall as if wanting to escape his attention but he only chuckle before pulling her tighter against him. Watching them made caused and ache to build in my chest. I reach up and rubbed at my chest hoping for some relief to the phantom ache.

"You two are disgustingly cute—I'm going to start throwing up kittens and rainbows if you don't stop soon." Libra teases.

"When you meet your mate I'll remember that..." Marshall teases back and Libra sticks out her tongue at him. I laughed slightly at them and there childish behavior. It was easy to forget about all the horrible things in my past when I was surrounded by this strange yet amusing pack of wolves.

"So whose in charge while Silver and Valerie are gone?" I interrupt there childish banter. Marshall looks towards me losing a bit of his good humor, "That would be me..."

"Yeah Marshall used to be the beta in his old pack, isn't that right?" Libra smirks. I focus my gaze on Marshall who looks less than pleased at her declaration. Though it did seem to make since as to why his wolf seemed much more dominant than the others. I tilted my head to the side inspecting him further, "If you were the Beta why did you leave?"

His eyes narrowed, "Its none of your business—"

"He didn't leave by choice, he was banished—" Bunny said at the same time as him. He looked down at her with slight annoyance. She looked up toward him with an apologetic grin as if to apologize for blurting out his business. I knew banishment was a big deal because it usually resulted in said wolf turning rogue and rogues were something I was well acquainted with.

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