Chapter Thirty-Three: Questionable Motives

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Silver had left the small cave room in silence after Kale and I had struck up our agreement. I knew he was upset with me for offering him up in the arrangement but I knew in my gut it was what was best for everyone. As alpha's we couldn't always think about our wants, we had to think about what the pack needed—pack should come first. I wanted to build the best future for everyone, and the only way to do that was for Silver to take his rightful place.

I had one more thing I wanted to accomplish to help Kale and the other with the battle against the monarch. That's why I had tracked down the one person I knew would help me because it would help Silver. Valerie was standing in the small space with a tense expression on her face as I explained what had been decided during our talk with alpha Kale. 

"What use are we going to be to them? There is only seven of us. Eight if you include Silver's idiot brother and I definitely don't." Valerie crossed her arms over her chest defiantly, "The pure bloods will have them completely outnumbered in battle. It won't matter how well trained they might be."

"I agree with you which is why we need more people." I stated simply.

"Oh? And you happen to know people that will want to risk there lives in a rebellion that may or may not succeed? Most of these younger wolves don't even know that pure bloods exist. So excuse me while I don't have a lot of faith in you gaining the support we'd need in such short time."

I tried to keep my annoyance under control, because I needed Valerie to be on the same page with me. I leveled her with my gaze, "I know some people that would join us and might give us the edge that we need or at the very least they will help even out the odds."

She lifted a brow, questioning my words before her expression shifted into one of knowing, "You want to bring in the rogue alpha—" 

I smiled at her pleased that she could follow my strategy without needing to explain myself, "He wouldn't need much convincing of that I'm certain. If we brought him here and we were able to show him what we plan to do. I know he would jump on board and that would not only give us numbers but also give us more trained warriors."

"I see your point but what I don't understand is why you are talking to me about this? Shouldn't you be explaining this to the other alpha's? I'm not an alpha nor do I care to be here. The only reason I'm here is because—"

"Because of Silver, I know." I finish for her, "That's why I want you to go and deliver this message to Noah for me, and hopefully escort him and his men back here."

Valerie narrowed her eyes into small slits, "You want me to be your messenger?" She scoffed at her own question. I crossed my arms over my chest, "I want you to do this and I know you will do this because it means Silver odds of surviving will rise—I know you don't care much for me but we both care about Silver." 

I watched as she ran her tongue over her teeth with a look that said she might want to skin me alive. I understood I was using her weaknesses against her but sometimes you did what you had too to get what you needed to survive. That was something I had learned while I was prisoner of the Rogues.

"You're right. I will do this because it will help Silver" Valerie moved towards me with determined steps, "I just have one question for you, Have you stopped to think about while you've been plotting your revenge if this is something Silver or the others even want to be apart of?" 

"Plotting my revenge?" I asked in confusion over the quick change in direction in our conversation.

Valerie pulled her lips together into a tight line to show her annoyance, "You're trying to tell me that you're doing this for something other then vengeance? I call bullshit on that, Grace. This whole time it's been 'I need to get back to my pack and challenge my uncle' and now suddenly you find out that daddy wasn't who you thought he was and that the monarch is the actual reason why your family is dead—and magically you're a woman of the cause?"

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