Chapter Twenty-Six: These Hidden Things

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Silver P.O.V

After I had Grace collared I decided that I would take her someplace that might cheer her up. I knew that she had been through a lot since she'd gotten here and I wanted to give her something even if it was something small. I took her to the abandoned part of my fathers house, making sure that no one had followed us. 

"This place could use some cleaning up." Grace comments as she runs her hand over the dusty table with a look of disgust. She flipped her gaze back to me over her shoulder, "Don't you guys have maids or something?" I could hear the teasing behind her words. Her lips turned upward with amusement. I felt my chest tighten at the sight, if I could I would always have her smiling at me like that. My body burned with the desire to touch her again like I had when we were in my room.

We should claim our mate so everyone knows she belongs to us, My wolf paced back and forth in my mind. I rolled my eyes at him even though I wanted to finish what I had started with my mark now was not the time.

I cleared my throat and moved towards her, "No one comes here anymore because my father forbid it after he took the throne—" I met her gaze and marveled at the way the sunlight streaming in through the window made her silver eyes sparkle. Her smile got bigger as she leaned forward towards me, "What a rebel you are..."

She pulled back after a moment letting her eyes wander around the large room, "So why did you want to bring me here anyway?"

I moved closer to her and grabbed her hand in mine. A small gasp of surprise left her lips and hit me right in my stomach. I tried to ignore the desire that swelled in me, making me want to hear her gasp again but for a different reason. I tightened my hold on her hand, "Well I figured their might be something here about your father—this is the alpha councils meeting room..." Grace looked up at me with an unreadable expression and I felt uncertainty swirl in my mind over the decision to bring her here.

l lifted my free hand and scratched the back of my neck, "Maybe this was a stupid idea—" I stopped talking when I felt the feather touch of her lips against mine. It was a quick kiss but it still had shockwaves of desire rippling through my body. I swallowed hard as I looked down at Grace who was smiling up at me, "Thank you Silver. This is very thoughtful of you."

We claim mate, now? My wolf pressed with amusement probably over my reaction to her brief touch.

Shut up! I growled at him.

Grace pulled away from me and moved deeper into the room assessing everything with curious eyes. I watched her as she moved through the room not wanting to disturb the moment for her. I knew that she missed her father and this was a way for her to connect with him again, even if he'd kept this part of himself a secret from her. I must have zoned out because the sound of a startled Grace had me standing at full attention. My eyes roamed the room quickly afraid that someone had done something to her.

I calmed though when I saw her standing in front of a wall that was revealing an opening that hadn't been there before. She glanced back over her shoulder at me, "Did you know this was here?" She questioned in a soft voice. I shook my head as I closed the distance between us, "I've only snuck in here a few times as a kid, but I never found this—" I peered into the dark hole. 

We both stood there silently for a moment before Grace reached out and grabbed my hand, "Come on! Lets find out where it leads." She pulls us through the small opening and into a tight hallway. I have to bend my body forward to fit completely in the space. We walk about fifty feet before Grace releases my hand, "I think there is another door up here—" I feel her move further away from me which makes me feel anxious because even with my enhanced eyesight this place is to dark to make out anything.

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