Chapter Fourteen: One Way to Greet an Old Friend

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My wolf was pacing back and forth in my mind as the SUV continued on down the road. I gripped the cushion under me tightly to keep myself from spinning around and ripping through the others to get to my mate who was resting in the back seat next to Valerie. He had no idea how his presence was effecting me and at the moment the fact that there was an unmated female so close to him was making my wolf antsy. I personally was not concerned about it because I knew that nothing was going on between them but my wolf didn't see things like that.

We need to mark him, She growls at me as she pushes at the mental block in my mind. I can feel the pressure in my head build. If she didn't stop soon I was going to be nursing a major headache by the end of this car ride. I rolled my neck, trying to release some of the tension in my muscles.

Marshall glanced in my direction quickly before focusing back on the road, "You doing okay over there?"

I gritted my teeth, "I'm fine. You just focus on the road—there is going to be turn off soon that you're going to need to take." He nods his head, hunching forward in the seat as his eyes scan the road off in the distance.

"What's the rogue alpha like?" Leo pops his head into the front looking at me with a curious grin. Out of everyone, he seemed to be the only one excited about our current destination. I shrugged my shoulders, "He's not much different then any other alpha I suppose and word to the wise, I would try to refrain from calling him that nickname when in his presence."

"I heard that he killed his own family..." Leo stated. I turned my face completely towards him with a frown. I ran my tongue over my teeth, "I don't know much about his family but I can say he didn't kill them all..." I look back to the road as Marshall took the turn off as I had instructed him to do.

"How do you know?" He questions me.

"Because I was the one who killed his brother..." I looked back to Leo, "I ripped out his trachea with my teeth." His eyes widened and he slowly pulled himself back into the back seat ending the conversation.

Marshall let out a soft chuckle, "Well that's one way to shut him up." I look towards him with a small grin, relaxing slightly into the passenger seat. The rest of the drive is done in silence until we spot the pack house through the trees. Marshall lets out a low whistle, "Now that is a pack house..."

When Marshall pulls the SUV into park in the dirt driveway dust billows out around us. There are quite a few people milling about and they look towards our car with curiosity and suspicion. The front door flies open and Noah marches out onto the porch with Dane, his beta in tow. I twist in my seat to look at everyone, "You all let me do the talking you hear?" They all nod without questioning me. I could practically taste the fear coming off of them. Valerie and I made eye contact before I looked to Silver who was still resting soundingly next to her.

"Everyone get out very slowly and be as non-threatening as you can. I'm talking about you Marshall..." I look towards him with a pointed stare. He glances in my direction popping his jaw, "I'm very non-threatening..." He replies before undoing his sea belt and opening the door. 

I follow behind him and jump out of the car happy to get some fresh air in my lungs. I spun on my heels and moved around the vehicle as Marshall was helping Bunny out of it. Scarlett came racing out of the house looking around until her eyes landed on me. I could see a big smile spread across her lips and I couldn't help myself from returning it. She moved off the porch quickly, "Well look who returned—" She called out causing Noah to freeze and look back over his shoulder at her.

"Woman! I told you to wait inside—what if it was dangerous?" He growled at her. She swung her gaze to his and it narrowed, "You should know by now Noah that you can tell me what to do all you want but I hardly ever listen." She pushes pass him without much worry, patting him teasingly on the face as she did so. He growls at her again this time out of pure frustration but she ignored him. Her eyes roamed from me to the small group gathering beside me, "For some reason I was expecting your pack to be much larger..." 

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