Larry: our concert baby

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Request sent in by @SonAdowforever987 I hope you like it

The on the road again tour started right back up and this time they were back on their own turf in England for the show. Louis wasn't excited about tonight's show cause he was afraid that he was going to go into labor with his and Harry's little boy who has been itching to get out and see the world

"How is our baby boy doing Lou?" Harry asks him

"Kicking up a storm right now, and he hasn't settled down at all since last night" Louis says to Harry as he got ready to go on stage that night

"I hope you don't go into labor tonight" Harry tells him as he gets his battery pack on to head out on stage

"I hope not either" Louis says as he continues to get ready that night

Once the band was ready they headed out on stage to perform for the fans that night. The show was going great until Louis got a strong cramp in his stomach area

"Louis are you okay?" Harry asks as he comes running over to him to check on him

"No I think our little boy is coming now" Louis says as he was hit by a contraction

"Niall go off stage and get the bag, Liam tell the fans that something came up and we have to reschedule the performance while I help Louis off stage and to the car, so we cam head to the hospital to have the baby cause I am going to be a daddy tonight" Harry says happily as he picks up Louis and carries him off stage, so they could head to the hospital

Once the boys had their microphones and their battery packs off they started to head for the car, so they could head for the hospital, so Louis could have the baby

"I hope we make it there" Niall says as they start to speed towards the hospital

"I hope so too" Harry says with a worried look in his eyes cause they might not make it to the hospital and Louis will have to deliver in the car and none of the boys wanted to deliver the baby in the car in the middle of a traffic jam if they were stuck in one

"Harry" Louis says to him

"Lou can you hold tight? We are almost there" Harry says to him as they continue to head for the hospital that night

"My water just broke" Louis says to Harry

"I hope the baby stays in there for a little longer" Liam says as the group continues to head for the hospital that night

"I hope so too" Harry says as he coaches Louis in his labor just in case the baby is going to be coming sooner

The group arrives at the hospital and Liam goes and gets a wheelchair for Louis while Niall follows behind with the hospital bag that had everything that they need for the birth

"Styles I swear you are never touching me ever again cause this hurts" Louis says as they head to get registered, so Louis could go to the delivery room to have the baby

"Louis that is the pain talking" Harry says as he walks next to Louis as they register

"Harry I really mean it" Louis says to him as Harry gets him registered to go up to maternity to have the baby

Harry gets Louis registered quickly cause Louis was getting closer to delivering the baby

"Louis that is my good hand" Niall says to him

"Deal with it Horan" Louis says to him as he gives him the death stare cause he was in a lot of pain from the contractions

Louis was able to go up after fifteen minutes cause the time was getting closer and closer for the baby to be born and he wasn't having the baby in the hospital wheelchair at all cause he wanted to be in the bed and no where else when he has the baby

(Louis hospital room)

"Why can't I push yet I want to have the baby already" Louis says to Harry

"You ain't dilated enough yet love, but soon you can push and we can have our beautiful baby boy" Harry says to him as he makes Louis comfortable as he continues to labor cause he had to dilate two more centimeters until he can start to push their little boy into the world

"I want this to end cause I am sick of being pregnant" Louis says to him as he looks at the outfits that was packed for the little boy to wear out of the hospital

"Soon baby soon and you can hold Arin to your heart content" Harry says as he gets the room prepared for Louis, so he could relax and focus on the task at hand

Louis did his breathing exercises as he continued to labor cause he wanted the pain to end and hold Arin in his arms cause he wanted to see what the little boy looked like when he was born

(Much later)

"Okay Louis you are fully dilated are you ready to push?" the doctor asks him

Louis shakes his head no cause he wanted Liam and Niall in the room with him when he delivered cause he wanted his other band mates there to experience Arin taking his first breaths 

"Why Lou?" Harry asks him

"I want Niall and Liam here in the room" Louis says as he lowers his legs from the stir-ups and covers his lower half cause he wasn't having the baby if Liam and Niall wasn't in the room with him cause Louis wanted the birth filmed for later

Harry goes out to get Liam and Niall and brings them into the room, so they could all welcome Arin Lucas into the world that night

"Okay Louis everyone is here are you ready to be a papa?" Harry asks him 

Louis nods as he starts to push cause his legs were back in the stir-ups


"Hello Arin Lucas Tomlinson Styles aren't you a cute little boy" Louis says when he sees the little baby after he was born

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